
How does the airbus PFD tell the pilot what flap to set?

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I understand the F and S speed in the Airbus however in a boeing the PFD shows the flap to set at specific speeds e.g 10, 05, 01, UP.

how does the airbus show this, if it does.

Would appreciate any help.





  1. The plane's computers knows what flap setting is currently set and it displays the indications to reflect the current configuration. When the next flap setting is selected the indications on the airspeed tape for Vmax (in that configuration) and Vfe NEXT will change to reflect the new setting. For example if you are flying at flaps 2, Vmax will be 200k and Vfenext (the maximum speed for the next flap setting) would show 185 kts. Once you slow below 185k you could extend the flaps to flaps 3. The tape will then change to show speeds for the new setting.

    The airline I flew at used flaps 1, 2, 3 and full on the A320 and A319

    Airbus uses shows the speed tape as red at speeds above Vmax and an amber mark to display Vfenext

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