
How does the argonite system work in gaseous fire suppression? pl provide info. on its fundamantals.

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  1. A dedicated, flexible solution In a closed space almost all fires are extinguished in less than 60 seconds when the concentration of oxygen falls below 15%. The Argonite fire extinguishing system, based on a mixture of 50% Nitrogen and 50% Argon, reduces the oxygen concentration to 12.5% - a level acceptable to human exposure over short periods - thus eliminating the fire quickly and effectively without affecting personnel. Knowing the size and complexity of the area to be protected, the fire hazard present and the requirements of the local approving authority, a dedicated computer program is used to specify the size and geometry of the Argonite system hardware.

    Generally one of two methods is used to protect an area with Argonite. These are total flooding, where the required amount of gas is released into a room, and modular or local systems that are designed to cover a particular piece of enclosed machinery, equipment, etc.

    Efficient, cost-efficient protection

    Argonite systems consist of one or more pressure cylinders connected via a common manifold. System actuation can be manual or automatic and the gas is dispersed through a pipe network and enters the protected area via nozzles. Valve design, the size and pressure of the cylinders, used together with computer calculated pipe and nozzle dimensions, ensure that the correct amount of Argonite is released effectively. Argonite's inerting and extinguishing properties act quickly to eliminate the fire.

    If more than one area within a building is to be protected, a single Argonite system, designed to extinguish a fire in the largest room, can be used. Provided that there is no risk of more than one fire within the facility at any one time, the total cost of the fire protection system can be reduced significantly in this way.

    Benefits of the Argonite System:

    · Fast acting and effective against nearly all fire hazards

    · Environmentally neutral - zero ODP, zero GWP

    · Low installation and maintenance costs

    · No post-fire residues or damage to protected equipment

    · Electrically non-conductive

    · Safe for occupied areas

    · Can be integrated with existing detection and alarm systems

    · Automatic or manual release

    · Total flooding or modular design

    · Minimum downtime after a fire

    Refer also:

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