
How does the bill of rights protect citizens rights from the government today!?

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How does the bill of rights protect citizens rights from the government today!?




  1. it still protects us from

    search without a warrant

    being forced to plead guilty

    getting tried for the same exact crime more then 1nce

    we still have

    freedom of speech,press,religion,assembly, and petition

    (sort of even though allot of things can be considered unconstitutional)

  2. Didn't you get the memo? Bush suspended the Bill of Rights seven years ago.  "911 changed everything"

  3. Generally, it no longer does, the President having denounced the Constitution as "a goddam bunch of paper".

  4. The bill of rights doesn't really protect anyone from anything. It outlines a few of the things the government may not do. It's up to the citizens to protect themselves.

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