
How does the cable line from my house connect to the main cable box?

by  |  earlier

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I'm trying to figure out where/how the cable line from my house connects to the main cable box outside. I opened up the AT&T/SBC Telecommunication box, but there's no cable line in there like I thought. Right now I see my cable wires from inside the house running outside and being connected to nothing. Don't wanna pay the money to get the cable company to come and simply connect it back in somewhere. How do I connect it myself?




  1. that is the cable company , if your a new customer you will probably get conection free anyway...or did you not plan on paying for it at all ?

  2. It's up to the cable company to connect your "House".  You cant go climbing the pole and hook it up yourself.  This is why you pay the "hook up" fee.

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