
How does the child protection system fail children?

by Guest31636  |  earlier

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How does the child protection system fail children?




  1. Wrong people doing the job .

  2. Too many pass the buck people in charge and not enough to take responsibility

  3. Most "systems" fail at some point or another because all "systems" are people.  

  4. By the simple fact that we require a child protection system. This is where the law fails children.

  5. A better question is how does it help children, much simpler. It rarely does.

    It fails in almost every single regard.  

  6. All too often it is due to a lack of communication between those in contact with the child. Alternatively, people assuming that someone else has or will take action can put children at risk.

  7. No government program can help any family problem when the family value system is in the tank.  That's the fault of all the parents out there that have not paid attention to whats going on. They are too busy.  You don't need a lot of money to raise a good family as long as your values are high.  The choice is ours and we have not picked the right path which is obvious.


  8. See Operation Ore - the police had the names of paedophiles who used their credit cards to download child p**n - it took ages for those lists to be edited - meanwhile a few high profile names were prosecuted and hit the news to protect those within the kraal who were allowed to abuse children.

    Flintshire - North Wales children gave correct dates of abuse they suffered, local authority changed dates on paper work to make children's testimony unreliable.

    Jersey Estates - turned off microphone of whislte blower who wanted to highlight child abuse within the Jersey Estates child protection team.  The accusation was that he was bringing the Jersey Estates into disrepute.

    Dutroux Beligum - Authorities removed judge who was making considerable headway in uncovering child abuse ring - although the authorities merely wanted to punish one man - the judge had testimony of judges, policement, lawyers who had been supplied with children by Dutroux.

    Now tell me that there is no organised collusion to abuse children.  Heard of one case where a Greek couple gave video evidence - after they smuggled a video into their children in care - of child abuse - that video was sent to the highest authorities in the UK and never saw the light of day again.

    Look at a Labour Minister's record in Islaington child abuse scandal.

    Those who try to blow the whitle will get labelled as child abusers themselves and those who suffer will not be heard.  This is organised at the highest levels within the British Establishment and there is nothing any one can do to uncover it.

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