
How does the city of Chicago compare to Saint Louis?

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I am a high school student looking at colleges, and I am considering both De Paul and Saint Louis University. I live about 45 miles west of Chicago, so I've been there many times before but I have never been to Saint Louis. How do the cities compare (especially the neighborhoods the schools are in)? How do the schools compare? Would going all the way to Saint Louis just be a waste when Chicago is so close? Thanks!




  1. Go chekc it out for yoruself, its only like 4 hours away. You know if you like it better than we who dont know you would

  2. First, make sure to check out both schools...I mean I don't know why anybody would choose Saint Louis with Chicago being so close but you never know, you might really like Saint Louis.

    I would say Chicago is a better choice simply because it's more student friendly.  I remember my wife went to school at Butler in Indianapolis and had to depend on her car to get to work or to get to the grocery store and it adds up because you have to do maintenance on the car...change the oil, gas, brakes or any other problems that are probably going to come up.

    In Chicago your school is going to give you a CTA Upass that will get you anywhere you need to go in the city on a bus or the train and it's not unrealistic to say that on the DePaul campus you shouldn't have to walk more than one block to get to a train or a bus that will get you to either directly where you want to go, or withing one transfer to another train or bus that will get you wherever you want to go.  Our trains an buses pretty much run all day every ten minutes.  

    On the other hand if you possibly decide to not live in the dorm, Chicago can get expensive, especially in Lincoln Park (DePaul's neighborhood) so you're going to have to live with at least a roommate or two.  So it somehow evens out.

    In the end Chicago is one of the top cities in the world so Chiago vs. Saint Louis is no contest for a million, museums, transportation, restaurants, neighborhoods, sprots...

    On the other hand some people have never been on a train or bus in their life and would be more comfortable in a small city like Saint Louis.

  3. Are you kidding? Chicago kicks St. Louis' ***!!! Why do you think Cardinals fans break their neck trying to get out of there and up to Chicago when the Cards are playing the Cubs. Trust me, if you go to college in St. Louis you will be miserable. I've been there. There's pretty much NOTHING to do. In fact I personally know two people from St. Louis who now live here and have nothing good to say about. Stick to Chicago. I know it's primarily about education, but even that is another reason to stay in Chicago. There's a better network of people and a better supply of resources no matter what your major is. Unless you major is farming. In that case, go to Missouri.

  4. As far as how much there is to do, Chicago definatly has more

  5. I probably live right by you (Yorkville, IL).

    Both are good schools, but I would definitely choose Depaul...especially if you are close with your family.

    You could commute to Depaul or if you live on campus, you could take the train home.  St. Lours is about 4.5 hours away and unless they are giving you some scholarship money, then it wouldn't be worth it to me.

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