
How does the current hot weather affect your mood?

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Does it make you feel hot and cross? Or just hot?




  1. Yeh, it makes me feel like a hot cross bun! I am not a fan of hot summers anymore, especially in a humid area.

  2. luv the hot weather makes me feel happy

  3. It always cheers me up however i have slept most of the day.

  4. Daisy,

    I like your avatar.....cute.

    I feel very moody and lethargic - it's not very nice this heat wouldn't mind if it was sunny so that I could sunbathe and get a tan but this cloudy humid heat is unbearable. Hope this answers your question.

  5. i'm horny as a raging bull, thanks for asking, my input means more than you can imagine.

  6. Hot, grumpy and tired, sooo tired. Sigh -Yawn-zzzzz

  7. nice to have sunshine but makes  irritable

  8. I prefer the cooler weather. But a bit of sunshine is good. I feel tired and irritable anyway, as i have had to work today.

    These puppets seem to like it though. :)

  9. I love hot weather. So does the crops we grow for food.

  10. Pretty hot. I live on the coast and the hot weather brings the pretty girls out.

  11. makes me happy, never cross. scotland rarely gets the good weather

  12. depends on the time of month and time of day, sometimes i can be a right moody cow and other times i'm just hot and dying to bath in cold water

  13. anything over 80, and i'm miserable

  14. Hot and very happy. I am definitely a solar powered person!

  15. Yes, irritable. When the tempature rises in Memphis the murder rate goes up.

  16. i'm hot regardless of the weather :)

  17. tired and lazy

  18. It's great.

    I love it. To be able to be outdoors all day and no rain is just heaven.

  19. Aggitated and irritable its 101 here right now and the humidity is so bad you can barely breath. Iam very happy inside with the ac.

  20. It doesn't.It's summer,and hot,normal.Don't worry we will be having an early Fall.

  21. It makes me happy. But then I have central AC and AC in the car!!!


    so it's all good!!!

  22. It's over 90f here and it`s 10.30pm. I don't feel cross, that would just make me hotter

  23. Makes me feel happy!

  24. Both of the above plus fatigued.

  25. it depresses me

  26. I love it, makes me very very very happy

  27. Just hot.

    Rain makes me cross.

  28. It makes me feel extremely frustrated and irritable.  I hate it!!!

  29. Great when I'm outside, hot and bothered when I'm indoors!

  30. Feeling a bit drained now but was enjoying it.  I hope it lasts through my holiday

  31. I makes me irritable, short-tempered, and lethargic

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