
How does the dikika baby affect the old theory of man's evolution?

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PLEASE!!!!! i really need this to be answered i am very confused thanks...




  1. At that time would it be incorrect to think that perhaps hominid, mammals and all forms of Eomaía were experimental and not the final order of placental mammals.  We are very likely the best and most finite placement of this evolutionary process.  That mammals came and went in the large process of perfection is no surprise.  What comes after us?  The absolute scientific development in laboratories assigned to the further evolution for the survival of the species and the control of factors that make this stage possible are in the approximate order of being of which you and I probably understand even less of than the Dikika Baby found to be a million years of age.

  2. It only strengthens it.  What's to be confused about?  Perhaps its the ramblings of the Christian extremists who claim it doesn't exist using half baked science?

    Even Pope John Paul II admitted evloution existed.

  3. This is monumental. Not only does this discovery strengthen our "theory", it provides us with a wealth of new information which I'm sure everyone appreciates as a means to understanding our origins. This in itself is an evolutionary leap; increasing our knowledge base and level of self awareness, that is to say, in "theory".

  4. Erm, a theory is an explanation of a fact, it is NOT set in stone!

    Theories CAN change.

    So what is your question?

    and why the confusion?

    If new light is shed on a theory, then the old one is mistaken!

  5. The heart is effectively a syncytium, a meshwork of cardiac muscle cells interconnected by contiguous cytoplasmic bridges.

    The gymnarchus (Nile Knifefish) is a nocturnal fish and

    has poor vision.

    It uses an organ, which is similar to a radar, to

    locate the prey it is chasing. For the radar system of

    fishes to function properly, the receptors in the skin

    that perceive electrical signals should be extremely

    sensitive. Indeed, the gymnarchus can 'notice' a change

    in the current intensity as small as 0.000 000 000 000

    003 ampere. Such sensitivity enables the fish to

    distinguish an ordinary gudgeon from bait in whose body

    a man has hidden a tiny steel hook angler. It can steer

    through very muddy water even at night using its radar.

    Do you think that such an engineering marvels could

    have come into being through evolution alone?

    The fossil record also shows a sudden,

    inexplicable appearance of a wide variety of

    both simple and complex life-forms. However,

    if evolution were true, there would only be a

    very gradual increase in both the numbers and

    complexity of such organisms.

    Regression of species: Since evolution is

    supposed to be continual and random, we

    should expect the same process that caused

    the emergence of humans from apes to also

    produce apes from humans. The law of natural

    selection would not prevent this from

    happening, because apes remain a stable life

    form, able to survive current environmental


    Chromosomes. This is the most inexplicable

    difference of all. Primates have 48

    chromosomes. Humans are considered vastly

    superior to them in a wide array of areas,

    yet somehow we have only 46 chromosomes! This

    begs the question of how we could lose two

    full chromosomes--which represents a lot of

    DNA--in the first place, and in the process

    become so much better.

    The leading mathematicians in the century met

    with some evolutionary biologists and

    confronted them with the fact that according

    to mathematical statistics, the probabilities

    of a cell or a protein molecule coming into

    existence were nil. They even constructed a

    model of a large computer and tried to figure

    out the possibilities of a cell ever

    happening. The result was zero possibility! -

    Wistar Institute, 1966.

    Under normal circumstances, creatures give

    birth to the same kind of creatures. It is

    established scientific fact that like begets

    like. On rare instances, the DNA in an embryo

    is damaged, resulting in a mutant child that

    differs in some respect from its parent.

    Although a few mutations have been

    scientifically observed that are beneficial,

    most mutations produce inferior offspring.

    For the theory of evolution to be true, there

    must be a fantastic number of creative

    mutations that produce new kinds of offspring

    which are better suited for survival, and

    therefore are favored by natural selection.

    Mutations are harmful and deadly, not useful

    as "evolution" requires. Cancer is an example

    of a mutation.

    One of the most basic, fundamental laws of

    science, the Second Law of Thermodynamics,

    states that things in nature always tend to

    dissolve and breakdown with the passage of

    time, not grow more complex which would be

    the case if evolution were true.

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