
How does the gap between the rich and the poor cause wars?

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How does the gap between the rich and the poor cause wars?




  1. Through their usury - international bankers like the Rothschilds  cause wars AND poverty.

  2. It has been said that rich old men start wars...poor young men fight the wars.....(like everything else though, there are

    variations in the fighting part)!

  3. i think it's often more a case of exclusion from opportunity.

    when rich people/ countries start denying poor people/ countries opportunities    (for example fair trade or lack of education or taking control over land and recources) there might come a time when poor people/ countries feel/are so deprived that they see armed struggle as the only way out of the situation.

    rich countries also often try to control poor countries to protect there interests. However these interests might not serve the people of this country at all...

    I guess there are many more reasons and complications

  4. That's just another unfounded justification for the rich who are also the powerful to explain why they are going to war:  Let's see who is in power and rich:  Bush's dad is an oil magnate, meaning Bush is rich.  Cheney turned over his CEO function at Halliburton to his wife so he can be vice president, so he is rich.  The republican nominee McCain is married to a woman who is worth six million---so he is rich.....and they are the ones who declared war, right?  Even Senator Clinton who is a democrat voted for the war initially---and she is rich......Obama didn't vote for the war because back then he wasn't in the U.S. Senate yet--and Obama is not rich, he is only upper middle class.  When you look at it objectively you will find that most of those who sit in Washington are affluent or rich compared to us common folks--and they are the ones who decide to go to war, it is not the common people who make that decision.  Don't forget that in this nation the government takes care of you if you fall into the category of extreme poverty, meaning the gvmt will help you with rent, utilities, food, and health care.  Therefore, the explanation of the politicians is just another way of trying to brainwash its people.....

  5. Politicians blame the rich for all the poors problems, diverting attention away from their own incompetence and theft.  The media carries the ball for the politicians and the poor start hating the rich.  The aftermath of the politicians sucking the life out of an economy is that the poor revolt against the presumed enemy, the rich.

  6. i'm not really sure, but i do know this, the gap between the rich and poor has caused argument at school. I know these horrible rich people who are constantly waving their expensive new i-pod's and mobile phones in my face. I sometimes, can't hold back anymore, and lash out, and the arguments begin.

  7. Envy.

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