
How does the general assembly implement resoloutions?

by Guest67055  |  earlier

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I know they can influence the Security council to act, but is that their only avenue for implementation of resolotions?




  1. The general assembly is merely a discussion forum. It has no powers to implement UN Security Council resolutions, nor to influence such. Resolutions by the general assembly are entirely NON-binding. Only the UN Security Council can enact binding resolutions that countries must implement, and then only if such is not vetoed by one of the core members (Russia, China, France, the UK or the USA).

  2. The General assembly is just an expensive talk fest with very little substance. What contribution can you expect from dubious figures like Arafat, Castro, Chavez, Ahmedinejad?

    The Security Council is a bit more serious because some respected superpowers, such as US, UK, France run the show and Russia and China are at least semi civilised.

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