
How does the hostility expressed toward Sarah Palin speak to the misogyny and hypocrisy of the Left?

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How does the hostility expressed toward Sarah Palin speak to the misogyny and hypocrisy of the Left?




  1. It shows me that their term right to choose means only the right to choose if you a liberal woman who bends to the liberal aganda.  Look at the way Senator Clinton was treated because she was not as liberal as Senator Obama.

    Worse yet, liberal women are downright catty and mean to women on the other end of the spectrum.  

  2. We're not the ones calling anyone a "trollop" and a "c**t"- your Great One Mccain said that.  We also don't believe in making young girls have to lie about their pregnancies either.  And then force them to get married after the second one.

  3. It's hypocritical to refuse to fund s*x education and teach about abstinence when your own child gets pregnant.

    This leftist woman waiting until she met her husband and got married.  I thought it was the right and moral thing to do.

    My kids are still under the impression that you get married first and then have kids. I don't know how to explain this one to them.

  4. Do your constant attacks on Obama show your racism and bigotry? I thought not.

    Correlation, not causation.

  5. just ignore them because it will backfire

  6. It doesn't.  

  7. Hmm how does the rhetorical use of loaded language and argumentative questions reveal the faulty premises and desperation of the right?

  8. It certainly reveals the bigotry and hatefulness of liberals.

  9. It speaks to the specious arrogance of the GOP.   Palin's candidacy was predicated to a large degree on "family values"   Well guess what...running around the county posing for Vogue while you have a special needs infant and then accepting a VP nod when you eldest child is an unwed teenager is irresponsible and disgraceful.

    Sarah Palin has family in crisis and she is putting here own vanity and celebrity ahead of those who need her most.

    Til now, she had a promising career in politics.  She could have waited and should have waited.  

  10. To be fair, for the most part it is the women.  They have been horrible about this.  We all do the best we can with our children, they don't always listen.  Teaching abstinence doesn't always work, but neither does s*x ed taught in school--girls still end up pregnant.  And for all those judgemental women saying I've taught my kids to use protection--we all make mistakes--hope yours do not.   ***

  11. It speaks volumes.

  12. No.  After all, not all women support women's rights.

  13. Oh yes it brought it out like just like the racism they claim came out of the right.

  14. I've been registered as Independent for 30 years , but I am beginning to see the Democrats as a vile and repugnant lot.   Now I find myself wondering if I should change my registration to Republican or Democrat. I was thinking that Democrats may need some moderating influence; however, the Democrats appear to be beyond saving. I hate to after 30 years but I believe I will change my registration to Republican.  

    I'll sleep on it tonight.  

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