
How does the liberal media over hype global warming?

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There is no Conservative media. The media is controlled by liberals and how can you deny that the media is liberal?




  1. Anyone ever here of Rupert Murdoch?  He has been a top media consultant to several republican presidential campaigns.  Oh, just so happens to own FOX news also.

  2. There certainly is substantial conservative media, much in response to the liberal prevalance of a few years ago.  In some ways, the claim that there is not smacks of conservative pretentions to persecuted minority status, which is not true.  At this point, I would offer the opinion that the media is fairly well balanced, although polarized, and neither side of the political spectrum 'controls' the media.

    That being said, liberal media sources tend to gloss over the uncertainty of outcome with regards to GW/AGW and 'go for the throat' with disaster scenarios.  Conservative media tends to gloss over the massive data and research, latching on to events and data that they claim disproves GW/AGW.

    Liberal or conservative, most media outlets are basically in it for the money and broadcast whatever will bring in the highest ratings and advertising revenue.  The fiction is that there are good guys vs. bad guys out there-when it comes to bringing home the bacon it's whatever works and moral outrage of any stripe is what works.

  3. This is also a conservative media. Fox News plays Hannity,  CNN Headline news plays Glenn Beck, Rush Limbale, and Michael Savage are on radio.  So there is some conservative news being broadcast.  

         As far as the Global warming thing being spun, I do believe that is a liberal agenda.  And unfortunatley liberal people will listen to what their "leaders" say and take it all as 120% accurate and truthful.  And to be fair conservatives do the same.

         I can't tell you if global warming is real or not, but I can tell you what I know for sure.  

         I personally don't see any effect of climate change, or global warming here in NE Ohio.  I see snow in about the same amounts that I did when I was a kid in the late 70's and early 80's.  Summers are just about the same every year also.

        If you believe that the government wants to eliminate the middle class people, which alot of people do, then a man-made global warming "scare" is a great way to help fulfill that dream.  A government with this on the agenda could tell the masses to be afaid to use oil and gas, then come up with a way to use crops as fuel, which drives up the prices on food.  at the same time driving up the price of oil and all things made with it.  This somehow effects the electricity and natural gas prices.  I'm not sure how, but they have both gone sky high also!!  Now you've set an inflation senario that will hurt middle and low class Americans.

        And probabley my biggest problem with the Global Warming thing is this.  I've asked twice for people to tell me what they SEE that makes them believe.  But 99% of my answers contain all kinds of "facts" and figures that someone TOLD them where true.  And of course it's all supported on some website you never heard of owned by God knows who and is completely free from having to explain, or prove the things they post on it.

        All in all I think the "powers that be" are getting exactly what they want.  Citizens that believe what they are told regardless of what they can see around them.  And the ability to have us volunterally give up rights and privledges in order to save ourselves from whomever the government says is out to get you, be it Sadam, Bin Laden, or the sun.

  4. One of the ways I see it here where i live, is when the news is presented, it is reported as 'fact'  that everyone agrees, that its a done deal.  That we are to blame and if we don't end our way of living today all the rest of the world will suffer because of us.

  5. Liberals are about "fear". Global warming is scary, so they'll hype it.

    Go FOX News!

    *Down with Big Brother*

  6. Lots of questions, so here goes...

    OVERALL, the media is far from liberal.  Media is business; big business.  They want to maintain the status quo, where tax breaks go to large income earners and corporations, and the IRS spends all its resources auditing small potatoes taxpayers.

    As for how this fits in with your big question, I agre that the media is overwhelmingly liberal when it is "safe" to do so, especially when it comes to global warming and the envornment.  Look at all these "go green" segments on every news program- local and national.  They're meaningless.  No one is talking about TRULY reducing the human footprint, it's about using a cloth bags to the store, green products (to buy from those big corporations), etc.

  7. And in countries like Germany, Japan of France with conservative governments how does the "liberal" global warming hype still work?

    I think you really need to reconsider things if you believe that the US DEMOCRATIC PARTY has tricked tens of thousands of scientists outside the US.

    The question is rather as following:

    * why have climate change skeptics concentrated all their efforts on the US?

    * which role can the US potentially play at blocking or delaying climate action?

  8. "No news is good news."  The media have been pretending every tiny little issue is the end of the world for a long, long time.

    The media is not an "estate", it's a whorehouse.

  9. Lets see how they over hype it they constantly talk about the immient dommsday of the earth if we don't act and also on the weather channel last night they were making predictions on what the temperature is going to be in july 2050 in NYC and boise.  Come on they can't even get right what tomorrows forecast will be

  10. "Liberal Media" is an urban legend, which has been popularized by Conservative groups in an attempt to hoodwink the public.

    Speaking as a former journalist, media outlets work very hard to present a balanced reporting of news and all events. It is difficult, but we do so for two very important reasons:

    1. The press (this includes online sources, newspapers, radio, TV, etc.) is the only professional organization that is self-policed. Unless we give a balanced reporting of events, the specter of government-controlled press looms closer, and that will be the first step toward ending freedom forever.

    2. The only alternative to fair and balanced press is oppositional media: Conservative newspapers, Centrist Radio, Progressive Television, etc. To my mind, that is a terrible alternative, with no final accountability! It is also the first step towards dividing the nation and then the world into armed camps, each with its own set of facts and beliefs; from there it's a small step into Civil War.

  11. "How"? What an incredibly weird, loaded question and what a ridiculous set of false assumptions.

    1. "Liberal Media"? Are you still beating that dead horse?

    2. "Over hype"? Redundant, and not established.

    3. If anything, they understate the problem. Even your holy president and his group of neo-con co-conspirators have admitted the global climate change problem. How long will you deny it? WHY are you so h**l-bent on denying the facts? What agenda do you have?

    4. How does the conservative media understate global warming? Answer: By being the jackasses that they always have been.

  12. There is no such thing as a "liberal media bias". Conservatives are just too stubborn to realize that. Besides, if anything global warming needs hype because there isn't enough. Climate change is a global problem, we all need to get involved to help stop climate change.

  13. "No liberal media bias" indeed.

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