
How does the long and winding road of Human Ignorance figure into the Faithful Equation of Free Will?

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  1. as long as people in the future would all talk about the things that happnened during the millenia!

    or a hand me down philosophy till then!

  2. Ignorance is our true nature i've answered a few questions about ignorance, maybe you should look into them but here is some answer for you. IT is our basic nature it is the way we are born a child knows nothing, then its parents teach it some words but these words are just a communication technique. If you would try more to understand ignorance it is not negative as your question implies. Stating that it is long and changing and maybe unending, but i digress. Back to the child It is the childs free will that gives him/her the choice to learn in the way everyone else does. This is why some children speak later than others, they simply cant find another way to communicate to people who use only words and only understand them in that way, so they conform, some other children pick up on it right away because it seems close to their nature.

    How does the ignorance figure in, well first find out what true ignorance is, then you cant miss how it figures in with free will.

  3. Free will must reckon with ignorance.

  4. I was listening to The Long and Winding Road ALL day yesterday, (love that song)  side effect of "When I'm 64" Heh heh.

    I don't know what exactly you mean by faithful  equation, but what comes to my mind from your expression is how Faith sometimes turns Free Will into Human Ignorance.

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