
How does the mileage per year calculate with insurance?

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I guess I mean: How does the price of insurance change if the mileage is lower or higher than average. Lets say the average is 14k miles per year. If I were to say that I drove 10000 miles per year will my premium increase or decrease?




  1. the higher the milage the higher the insurane so say if u drove 10000 a yr it would be lower than someone who drove 14k a yr depending on the car etc. Its all because the more miles you do the more likley you are to have an accident because you are using the car more i guess

  2. Its very simple:  the more you drive the more likely you are to be in an accident.  simple math.

  3. Chances are it will depend on your insurer. Most will allow you the "option" to limit your use and decrease your premium, however with that being said, if you do choose a limited mileage option the insurer will ask for your current mileage count - if you claim they will check your miles and if you've gone over the said limit then the insurer will more then likely deny your claim (which is what there best at).

    Best thing to do is chat with a few companies and find out which one you would benefit from most should you need to claim (eg "do I need a rental car if mines off the road"), in other words dont always go with the cheapest insurer - ensure your getting value for money and coverage for what you need.

    Hope this helps

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