
How does the moon affect tidal waves?

by Guest58912  |  earlier

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what is the process




  1. not at all.

    tidal waves.. as opposed to 'tides' are caused by earthquakes, not the Moon.

  2. The moon cycle is 24hrs. 50.5 minutes. High tide and low tide follow each other every 12hrs. 25 minutes. The tide is 50ft. in the Bay of Fundy New Brunswick.


  3. The moon orbits the earth and its grvitational pull is exerted on the oceans greater were it is orbiting causing the oceans to rise and fall with its orbit.

  4. Gravity.  The moon's gravitational force pulls at the ocean, affecting the tide.  Pretty simple.

  5. If by tidal waves you mean a tsunami (caused by earthquakes, landslides, etc), then the answer is no effect

    However, true tidal effects are caused by the slight difference in the moon's gravitational pull on different parts of the earth.

    This differential pull has the effect of creating two tidal bulges on the ocean surface, one on the side of the earth facing the moon and one on the opposite side of the globe. These two bulges correspond to high tides. So as the earth rotates, every place (other than polar regions) will experience two high tides and two low tides per day.

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