
How does the plum bob method work in figuring out how much a putt breaks ?

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How does the plum bob method work in figuring out how much a putt breaks ?




  1. By plum bobbing, you should be able to see a break in the green, as the putter shaft will be straight vertical, giving a reference point to see a slope to the left or right.  Practice and experience will determine how to actually play the break.

    Some people swear by doing it, and it's a part of their routine.  Others just visually inspect the area and putt accordingly -- and I would guess that Tiger sees greens differently than most of us do!

  2. I have been playing this game for 74 years and plumb bobbing came into being approximately 50 years back. To this day I haven't the foggiest what that procedure tells the user. It is supposed to discern a straight putt from a breaking putt. As to the amount of break  one can only guess from the slope of the green. A good putter viewing the putt from back of the ball, from front of the cup to ball with views from either side will do as good if not better than the plum bobber. Tiger Woods' routine follows that pattern. Best putter on tour.

  3. Every answer to this question will vary. After 35 years of asking this question, I think I have got  a different answer every time I have asked. If holding a putter up to visualize the break/angle of the putt gives you more confidence and you actually make more putts than not doing it, than do it. We are all human, not machines. Personally, I feel if you can conquer speed on any length putt and on any type of green,  sooner or later you will be become a great putter. I can pretty much guarantee, most any pro will say the same. Putting is a very personal and fun part of the game of golf and every golfer has to find what works best for him or her.

    Hope this might help.

  4. There are two general methods of reading and hitting putts. They are both represented in the other two answers. The basic reason for plumbobbing is this: Some players need to use their putter kind of like a level and see the break. Once they see the break they can ust the shaft as kind of a ruler which to make a straight putt to a target outside of the hole. Other players (like Tiger) try to putt along a very defined line that leads directly to the cup, with turns and breaks and all. So one way is to hit straight to a point and let the green do its thing, or to read the green's thing and putt along it.

  5. I've plumb bobbed for years.  Here's what you do.  Stand directly behind the ball or marker on the green.  Hold your putter in your right hand (for rightie golfers) by the finger tips at the top of the grip.  Allow the putter to hang directly vertical from your fingertips.  You want to stand so that your directly behind the ball in a straight line to the cup (with both eyes open)  Holding the putter as I described, close your left eye (assuming your right eye is dominant.)   With your left eye closed the alignment is going to change and the ball will be either to the left or right of the hole.  That distance is your 'break' and you should allow that distance when lining up your putt.  You need to remember though, that plumb bobbing will not take into account the slope of the green so if the green has a natural drop in any particular direction, you'll need to take that into consideration as well when lining up your putt.

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