
How does the politica structure work in those countries that have both a President and a Prime Minister?

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... like, I think France or Russia might have this type of system.

Also, in China, they have a President and a Premier.

This seems different than having a President and Vice-President - at least we know that the President is the boss.

But, I'm not sure how they share power or how they split up jurisdiction in those other systems. It seems like there are two leaders....




  1. Three systems basically apply, depending on the country.

    1. there is a separation of jurisdiction, e.g. president looks after foreign policy, the prime minister internal policy.

    2. the President sets the strategy and the prime minister applies it

    3. the President is basically a figurehead with only moral authority in most situations and the real power is in the hands of the prime minister.

    But all countries are pretty unique in the way they handle their government.

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