
How does the predator break cue comepare to other break cues on the market right now?

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The B2 has been out for a couple years now, are they coming out with something new soon? Or would you recomend the B2? Thanks.




  1. I use a BK2. As you can see from the link trickshottim provided, the BK2 is just about the hardest hitting break cue you will find. That's not even the most important feature of the BK2 though. The BK2 is one of, if not the single only, low deflection break cue on the market. What that means is when you don't hit the cue ball quite perfect, the BK2 will not send it as far offline as other cues. That means with the BK2, it's a LOT easier to control your break and keep the cue ball in the center of the table.

    I can tell you from experience, that side by side next to any of the major break cues on the market (I've tried many but not all), you will notice a huge difference in the ease with which you can control the cue ball. Most break cues actually have very high deflection because of their strong taper coupled with very hard tip and ferrule, so you must focus very hard on hitting the cue ball properly to control the cue ball. With the BK2, you can focus more on generating a powerful stroke and still be confident that the cue ball will end up in the center of the table.

    I can understand people going with something else if they do not have the budget to go with the BK2, or simply do not want to spend extra money on a seperate jump cue (since the BK2 is not a j/b). But if you're just looking for the very best break cue out there, I think the safest bet is the BK2, and frankly, compared to what I've tried, it's not even close.

    BTW, I have no idea if they're planning on updating the BK2 or coming out with something different anytime soon. I'd ask that on the forums at, there is at least one Predator rep there who is good about answering those kinds of things.

  2. This is a great question because I'm actually wondering about the same info.  Always looking for best equipment, and break cues is something where I'd like to get some more info.  I've heard good things about both the predator BK2 and stinger.

  3. If you believe the tests shown in the link, it's the fastest out there.   They've tested a lot of cues, but not all of them.  But it doesn't really do you any good if you can't control the power.  I use a Stinger myself, but part of the reason is because it's a break/jump.  If you're looking for value for the money, Fury and J&J are good ways to go.

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