
How does the process of adoption work?

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How does the process of adoption work?




  1. About a year to go through the formalities it is quite an intensive process. Get ready to have every area of your life examined.  If you are approved it is just whenever a match comes up.  It is a frustrating lengthy process but very rewarding in the end.  I think it is so long so that they can make sure that people are commited

  2. I don't know where you live but my daughter adopted an eleven month boy last year. The local social services were excellent (even though they are often much maligned) Their investigation of my daughter, her husband and immediate family was very thorough-as it should be. The end result is a very happy child, parents and besotted grandparents.

    To respond to the first bitter lady, when my daughter met the birth mother and asked if she wanted anything particular for her son(e.g university, football coaching,drama/singing lessons) she was told that she would like him to have really good Reebok trainers!The whole process took about nine months from her first application. When she went to Court for the legal adoption, the judge was brilliant.

  3. The systematic transfer of a child from the natural family to a customer through legal and social means, accompanied by the payment of fees by the customer to the broker, destruction of the original mother-child family  unit, and erasure of the original identity and heritage of the child

  4. if you are considering adoption please don't overlook your local boys and girls in "the system".  Call your children services and tell them you're interested.  They will help you to get certified by doing a home study, background check, and point you in the direction of what classes you must take.  If you do go thru social services in most states you don't have to pay money for the adoption, in all truthness, you will be elgible for a adoption subsidy to help raise your child.  God bless you for even willing to open your house and your heart to a child in need.

  5. I would go with what everybody is telling you cps or what ever they call social services then for sure you are giving a child a better home. Most of your agencys are out for them self and could care less about you or the birth parents mostly the birth fathers. You can check with the dept of protected services or cps who ever reglate these adoption agencies and see if they have an violations against them and what for so you know what to expect from their services. Why am I bitter I'll tell you my son's child was stole by a  adoption even though they knew he didn't want his 2 baby with the same mother adopted out. But they didn't care my grandson was born and taking out of the area within 2 days with a social worker from the hosital begging not to do this to the father so you see you need to be very carefull to make sure all rights are giving. And If possible both natural parents have signed their rights over. In the states case they have already took their rights and these children are free to be adopted. Good luck

    PS For anyone that care shawn did file within our state time limit the texas register and his son can't be adopted but he doesn't have his son back yet. This takes years in out court system. Until then shawn and his daughter must wait for the return of they rest of their family. But shawn does get to visit 1 once a month for the whole weekend with out the couple. So now it's like a divorce

  6. Research the different ways to adopt to see what works for you........I did an "Open Adoption" twice in my life during difficult times. "Open" adoptions mean that it cuts out most all of the beauracratic 'red tape' that social service type agencies put you have the choice of who the parents will be.....once you decide the parents you obtain a Lawyer or Attorney that specializes in family issues.......the adopting couple cover the cost of the legal fees, hospital-doctor visit-labor and delivery costs.......once the child is born the lawyer will visit you and have you sign over your rights......another good thing about "open adoptions" is the couple who adopts are very gracious to agree to your requests to either stay private and out of touch until that child turns 18 or they send you pictures and have your involvement as is comfortable to everyone.......both of my girls in my past that I planned open adoptions for know about being adopted and I've already been reunited with one of them years ago when they were 12.......her birthday is coming up soon and she'll be 17.......the other daughter is going to decide when she's ready to meet me then the family will make I'm on pins and needles patiently waiting.......hope this helps

  7. After birth parents rights are terminated and a child is legally free to be adopted a person who is intrested in adopting must have a background check, take classes & have a homestudy done etc.

  8. First you decide in the type of adoption you want, domestic, foster to adopt, international....pick a country, etc. Then you find an agency that handles that type. You have to complete the agency application and then start the paperwork. They will give you an outline of the process and guide you through it. There are several background checks required as well as a homestudy....usually a couple of visits from a social worker. References are required. The agency will tell you how many. If its an international adoption, you travel to the country or the baby is escorted here. Paperwork is completed in country or once baby is here on a visa, then you go to court here and re-adopt here. Domestic is slightly different in that everything is completed here. Hope that helps. Check out for more details. Good luck.

  9. I adopted though social services. We went on a course before actually applying. Once we applied we had home and police checks. They interviewed us together and on our own and they interviewed our children. The case then goes before an adoption panel and they decide whether to approve you or not. Once approved, we were allocated a social worker and  we were made to wait 6 months. Then we started to receive matches of children that we might want to consider. We only considered having one child, so one day our social worker came to visit us and during the visit I mentioned that we would take a sibling pair if it meant keeping them together. At this point she told us that she had twin baby girls for us. We had loads of visits to the hospital, had them over night an then they came to live with us. The whole process took 18 months. The whole process was free and social service even paid for all the court costs when the adoption was granted.

  10. you have to be screened really well before you adopt and lt is necsassary that your home may be inspected and theres alot of paperwork to be filled out for this

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