
How does the "Party of Values" reconcile with McCain's adultery?

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For all this talk about "honor", "values" and McCain exempting himself from answering serious questions( i.e. "How many houses do you own?*), how does the McCain campaign reconcile the adultery he had behind his disabled wife's back after he got back from Vietnam?

To this day the Republican Party is still in a tizzy over Bill Clinton so I would assume the Party that seems to think they have a lock on following biblical commandments would be equally outraged,or is there a double standard here?





  1. Republicans don't make sense anymore. I read about how the VP's 17 year old daughter was pregnant and then right after that I read how the evangelicals are so impressed because shes keeping the baby. How about not getting knocked up? Shes 17 and shes pregnant? I thought

    the evangelicals were against pre-marital s*x. The republicans just keep getting more and more mixed up and nonsensical as the years pass.  

  2. It doesnt.  Obama will make sure people willmake sure they get waht they want,likefair treatment.

    Peace and love,


  3. He was a war hero, they try  to keep it a secret and hope everyone gets their news info from lickballs and laura ingroin and criticize everyone they hear aabout as being the devil and keep promoting the devil himself, smirking and lying and taking credit for other people goodness.  Double standard, of course but that would assume they know what is happening  

  4. LOL

    Just what we need in America! Libtards like you forcing immorality

    down our throats!!!

    Get a life you Liberal bum!!! A$$holes like you don't deserve respect!! Especially after seeing the like of you causing riots in St. Paul MN!!

  5. The difference is the first McCain marriage has been open fodder years ago. He and his ex have always been open about the circumstances and the fact that it would have happened without Vietnam. His ex has always supported his political career.

    Bill Clinton was never honest. What is the definition of is?

    It would be good for you to bone up on McCain before you try to build a case out of old news. Because McCain is physically disabled too,  

  6. I guess cheating on your wife with cancer and having a love child is OK with you.  


  8. By investing in oil and giving tax breaks to the rich.

  9. McCain acknowledged his moral failing.  There hasn't been a reason shown to doubt that he's learned from it.

    As for Clinton, it's more the perjury than the adultery.

  10. they ignore it and pretend that it never happened.

  11. They are in a tizzy over Clinton, John Edwards, and even JFK.

    But you never hear them mention the affairs of Rudy Guiliani, McCain, Larry Craig, or Newt Ginrich.

    They are all hypocrites and liars.  

    Honor , Values, and Christianity are just talking points and rhetoric to the right.

    In an attempt to come off as the all-American wife and mother, Cindy McCain is putting aside real family values. Cindy (or her handlers?) has shown a pattern of deceit in her attempt to fulfill the role of Stepford wife in her husband's campaign. But her most recent fabrication is quite hurtful.

    Most recently, her oft-repeated assertion that she is the only child of her father, Jim Hensley, was proven untrue on all accounts. In fact, Cindy has three, count 'em, three half sisters. One, Kathleen Hensley Portalski, called in to a program on National Public Radio this week to correct the reporter who repeated Cindy McCain's characterization of herself as an only child.

    Cindy's father was married to Mary Jeanne Parks, who gave birth to Portalski before the couple's divorce. Hensley then married Marguerite Johnson, who bore Cindy McCain nine years later. Even before all this, Hensley already had a daughter, named Dixie Burd, by a third woman. In addition, Cindy is not the only child of her mother, who had another daughter before her marriage to Hensley. So, Cindy is no one's only daughter.

  12. They don't care. Did you not hear Thompson's speech tonight. With McCain's children in the audience, Thompson told stories of McCain being a bully and hooking up with a stripper....classy!

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