
How does the seven major Chakras of your body influence your health, thoughts and actions?

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How does the seven major Chakras of your body influence your health, thoughts and actions?




  1. it depends on you they can  creat wonders for need to sit for meditation  and  do deep breathing called  pranayam.though breath will come and go in the lungs but you are to assume that your breath is starting from tejas kender(naval  poin)  first center  and is going to the gyan kender (last center) passing through all the other kendras.when you do inner yatra of chit (consciousnes)on breath as horse--and when you get certain rhythem then that are activated.once they are activated wonders happen. read a good book on meditation--have some meeting with some yoga teacher that will be better.

                 go to wikipedia and type meditation ,nadi shodhan  pranayam  you will get the details there also.

    for this you can send queries to me also. i will gladely help you.

  2. chakras are like junction where energy flow. chakras  influence our health through our emotion our feeling and our thought  and action if your emotion and your action  are negative and your thought s are fear full your chakras are blocked they work according to our emotion

  3. To fully answer this question you'd have to study this subject for a long long time.  I have a really rudimentary understanding, but for me it would take about 3 pages to type out.

    Long story short though, most non western systems recognize that the body has energy or vital force, and that the energy has it's own anatomy/physiology/structure and systems it works within.  The chakras are the Hindus way of explaining one of them (some of the bodies energetic centers).

    Each one can do a lot of stuff and affect the body, but the Hindus observed that energetic blockages or having certain chakras open tended to correlate to certain things working better.  The basic descriptions are found online (, although on specific parts I'd agree/take exception to what they say.

    Generally though, generalizations such as the head chakras being open correlate to increased mental capacity.

    My favorite is people having a strongly activated 3rd chakra which allows them as lawyers to project intimidating energy towards witnesses so that they say what the lawyer wants during cross examination.

    For what it's worth, I prefer the Chinese/Daoist model of how all this works, and I mostly think of the chakras as what things they correlate to in my system (ie. one chakra is the lower tantien), but the chakra system is the most well known one over here so it's a good place to start.

    If you'd like technical information on the chinese description I can send it to you.

    I can't super cover this topic since there's so much there, but I hope that helps for a start.  Let me know what you want to know more specifically.

  4. • Mooladhara Chakra(pelvic plexus)

    Qualities: innocence, wisdom, chastity, eternal childhood.

    Gross expression: pelvic plexus.

    Place on hand: heel of palm.

    Manifestations: s*x, excretion

    Causes of catch: sexual ‘liberation’, adultery, perversions used in tantrism, lustful attention, constipation.

    Number of petals: four

    Symbol: swastika (clockwise)

    Element: earth

    The mooladhara chakra is placed below the Kundalini at the very base of the instrument. “Moola” means the root which is the kundaiini, and ‘adhara’ means the support. The fundamental quality of the chakra is innocence, which forms the basis of every righteous (dharmic) character.

    This is the centre which governs the sexual aspect of human beings. Since the mooladhara chakra is placed below the Kundalini and she does not pass through this centre, there can be no question of awakening her through s*x. This is the greatest sin you can commit against Kundalini, who is your holy loving mother. Those who imagine they can find liberation in this way are only surrendering themselves to the bondage of the senses, and playing into the hands of the satanic forces who move under the guise of tantrism trying use s*x to excite the Kundalini.

    s*x has its place in human life as the most sublime physical expression of love within the marriage. Through this channel, realised souls of tremendous power are waiting to take their birth. As Sahaja Yogis, we must understand the relative importance of s*x. Then it should make no further demands on our attention outside of the married relationship. Only after this collective blessing of society can the real romance of that state be enjoyed between two persons.

    After realisation, you learn to develop the proper esteem and respect for your own chastity and the chastity of others. A sense of chastity is essential for the development of your own gravity and power. It is your foundation; the realisation of innocence. The mooladhara chakra can be gradually cleared and that innocence is established within you


    Qualities: purity, virginity, chastity, motherly love, holiness of mother.

    Gross expression: in women-uterus, in men-prostate gland.

    Place on hand: just above heel of palm.

    Manifestations: parasympathetic nervous system.

    Causes of catch:  imbalance of sympathetic nervous system, false gurus, materialism, fanaticism, primitive thinking, no spiritual seeking, constipation and after-effects of sedentary habits (Right side); perversion of s*x, s*x before or without marriage, immorality, mental activity in s*x, flirting, money or ego-oriented s*x even with your own wife or husband (Left side).

    The Mooladhara chakra is outside the mooladhara which is the abode of Kundalini. The triangular bone at the base of the spine in which it resides, the sacrum (kumbha), was called sacred by the ancient Latin people when they discovered that this bone did not burn with the rest of the body. This is the sanctuary of the Kundalini and it is inviolable. If unauthorised unwelcome advances are made to her, for instance by false gurus, through other chakras, the Kundalini rises but falls down, but through Mooladhara chakra (s*x) if anyone tries to raise the Kundalini, she gets frozen and does not rise. If the advance persists it is likely that she will freeze altogether and she may never rise.

    How can we realize the absolute purity and the supreme dignity of the Kundalini if we do not know how to respect her as our holiest and dearest mother who has been with us for ages, waiting for a chance to give us our rebirth.

    • Swadishtan Chakra(aortic plexus)

    Qualities: creativity, inspiration, aesthetics, intellectual perception.

    Gross expression: aortic plexus.

    Place on hand: thumb.

    Manifestations: liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, uterus.

    Causes of catch: too much thinking or planning, too much involvement in art, making money out of your talents, alcohol, drugs, bad eating habits, artificial or crude false gurus, extreme obedience, extreme political ideas, domination or slavery, ego-oriented life, spiritualism, black magic.

    Number of Petals: Six.

    Element: Fire.

    The Swadisthan Chakra is suspended like a satellite on a chord from the nabhi chakra (3) and moves around the void (IV) giving sustenance (Dharma) to weak areas of its ten petals which represent the ten commandments. When Kundalini first rises it passes into the nabhi chakra then along the chord to enlighten the swadisthan then returns into the nabhi.

    Here, the energy for our creativity is generated. The urge to be unique to compete or be recognized for our intellectual and creative abilities comes from ego, which has a direct relationship through pingala nadi to right Swadisthan. The most important function of this centre is that it is responsible for breaking down fat particles in the abdomen to replace the grey and white cells of the brain, so generating the energy which fuels our thinking. But too much thinking drains the central channel as the right side pingala nadi is exhausted. The ego swells further to envelop the brain, pushing the super ego down to minimum and effectively severing the connection with the central channel which is governed by the Spirit, the true creative source. Instead of a sponge, the brain becomes like a rock, losing all power of absorption. The extreme effort to create kills all spontaneity which is why most modern art, whether drama, music or painting, becomes gross and lacking in joy-giving qualities. This is due to ego’s demands for pampering, which it enjoys as happiness, setting an unbreakable vicious circle.

    As the pingala nadi tries to recharge itself from the centre, an imbalance is created. The problem often manifests as left nabhi freezing, and can even extend to the whole left side. In such cases, diseases like diabetes are developed. When the ego grips the heart organ which is the abode of the Spirit one gets heart disease; when such a person neglects the Spirit and runs after other things, heart attacks could result. The Swadisthan Chakra along with the Nabhi Chakra, also looks after the liver. As this centre busies itself with the thinking process, the other organs it is supposed to look after are neglected and the liver which has to work hard producing fat cells for the brain, suffers. Problems here are indicated by tingling in the thumb and middle finger of the right hand or by prickling sensations in the hands. This organ is particularly important in that it is the seat of our attention (chitta). Attention should not be confused with thought which comes from ego or super ego, it is pure concentration minus thought, which is mental activity. The liver sustains our attention and purifies it by filtering out all kinds of dirt filth and poisons. Before realization, our attention is always running after external things, getting carried away on the waves of thought and feeling and being dissipated through uncontrolled eyes. We cannot consciously take the attention inside our being. Something has to happen there. The sudden awakening of Kundalini pulls it in and then unites it to the Spirit. This is where it should rest, in enjoyment of the Spirit, pure and still in thoughtless awareness. The joy of the heart, where the Spirit resides, nourishes the liver and helps to sustain the attention. Thus the chitta (attention) becomes enlightened with spiritual joy, ananda.

    Anything to do with spiritualism, black magic, disturbing or depending on the dead, using guides, occultism, getting involved in clairovoyance, ESP causes Swadisthan to catch badly. The reason for this is that we become dependant on external entities which leech on our energies depleting them. The quality of Swadisthan is pure knowledge (Nirmala Vidya), knowledge of things as they are in the absolute sense. This knowledge needs to be experienced by ourselves directly not through an external agency.

    The key to true creativity is in achieving the state of thoughtless awareness (nirvichar samadhi). Like a lake, silent and still, all the beauty of the creation around You, is reflected within. You become the flute, an egoless channel for the divine music of vibrations. You are, in the words of the Poet, ‘a heart that watches and receives’.

    Because of the connection with ego, which completely takes our attention from the self, the Spirit, it is very important for us at this center to develop real humility, i.e. knowing in our hearts of who we are, acknowledging our place in this creation, which for a realised soul is just to be an instrument of the divine.

    • Nabhi Chakra(Solar plexus)

    Qualities: Sustenance (Dharma), Ten Commandments, righteousness, welfare, Wealth (Laxmi tatwa), seeking, evolution

    Gross expression: Solar plexus.

    Place on hand: Middle finger

    Manifestations: Intestines, stomach, spleen, liver

    Causes of catch: Family and household problems, money-mindedness, alcohol, dominating husband or wife, fanaticism, asceticism, fasting, too much interest in food

    Number of Petals: Ten

    Element: Water

    Kundalini passes first through the Nabhi chakra, piercing it from side to side.  Through vibrations, after realisation, we gain real understanding of why and how a pure and righteous life should be led.  We truly realise the need for Dharma.  Thus wisdom grows within.

    As guidelines to our realisation and subsequent way of life, we have the Ten commandments: the divine statutes that keep human beings in the centre.  Those who have always followed these principles of human sustenance achieve a powerful and lasting experience of Self-realisation.  And those who did not understand the need for Dharma before realisation now become aware of it.  It means that after realisation, if you do anything against Dharma your stomach revolts against it.  Actually, those who have tried to test their enlightened sustenance have been amazed to see how their stomach becomes sensitive to Adharma.  It can

  5. Not at all.  Chakras are imaginary.  

    This means they don't exist in reality.

  6. Gives mental strength,satvic[spiritual]thoughts,if ur mental strength is good then any sort of work can b possible.

  7. there are certain studies which show that the seven chakras correspond to seven ductless (endocrine) glands in the physical body. By meditating on the particular chakra and chanting certain mantras (sounds), those glands are affected and hence certain hormones are released. For example, the third eye chakra or agnyeya corresponds to the pineal gland and hence meditation on this chakra can increase concentration and awareness. the heart chakra corresponds with the thymus gland and there are certain scientific findings which show that in almost 70% of humanity, the thymus functions weaken after adolescence, which explains why grown ups cannot sometimes feel or empathize like children do.

    Moreover, certain areas of the brain can also be activated by meditating on certain forms and by chanting certain sounds. This is quite well known since ancient times and that is how chakra meditation is also known to affect the brain. Research conducted on the practice of TM (Transcendental meditation) also shows that repetition of a certain mantra reduces stress and increases alpha waves in the brain thereby making a person more tranquil. So, chakra meditation does help in improving physical and mental health.

  8. As per mine knowladge,..

    The chakras are only imaginary symbols of the way, at which we are trying to move our sexual energy "tejas" to upword of the  body. once it get reached the head part, the man said to got "Bhodisatwa".The common charected of sexual energy moves downlord  of the boday to get into another body (female),  but when we do "Dhayan" we can take that sexual energy from downside to upside of the body so that it should reach the header part of the body.. the chakras are only imaginary symbols in that way to point out where exactly we are in that way.

  9. Chakras as the Hindus believe are energy zones in our body. All major school of thouhgts have some or the other name for the energy zones but all beileve their existance. There are seven major chakras in our body goverened by a specific devta, influenced by a specific colour and affecting different organs in our body.

    The seven chakras are Mooladhar, Swadhistan, Nabhi, Anahat, Vishudhi, Agya and Sahastrar Chakras

  10. All Chakras has to be polished by slogas,prayanamas,and yogas.And automatically this Chakras elivate you.

  11. All the seven major Chakras do influence your health as it influnece your thought process what i mean is if your Aura is good not filled with bad enery then it reflects good positive energy to your health directly and if your Aura is (Black in colour) bad then it attracts all the bad feelings and bad energy that will lead you to sickness.

      So how can one influence your Chakras that will effect your health? the answer is by wearing Rudraksha like our saints do that will lead you to God and have a positive effect on you Aura(Chakras). Hope i helped !!

  12. what is chakras.


  14. The whole earth is a ball,binded with source of energy called as 'prana' with out which no life can be seen.Humans get this energy through these energy centres called 'chakras'.

    Human body is a mixture of the five elements (earth,fire,water,air & ether) just like the planet earth.If even one element misses,there won't be life.Its a dead planet.In the same way all living things poses these five elements in them.

    The 7 chakras have thier own quality of the 5 elements but the last 2 chakras 'sahasrara & ajgna' are the abodes of heavenly matter where by reaching it u can realise the ultimate truth.

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