
How does the species funtion that does not have a brain nor heart?

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In my studies of nature i have found that all species does not

have a brain nor a heart.

Even Scientific Research will verify this concept.

My point of solution is that there is a spiritual body within

the physical body that make-up for not having a brain nor


This is where Scientific Research comes to an end.

And SUPERNATERAL Ability express itself.


common knowledge .

So the question to the world of Scientific Research is

not IF.............but ,WHY, and HOW,according to what

belief's they hold on the matter..........if any.

And if not. Know that there is a God ABOVE what can not

be found Beneath.




  1. What all living things have is LIFE --a flower has life for a while--It will live its given life cycle--Dog--Bird--Fish--etc. So who or what can give life-----as assigned to it????   You have to admit you know no one who can-------So knowing that some one or a power gave you LIFE be humble and say THANK YOU---MY CREATOR

  2. I do believe some of what you said concering spirtitual bodies and such. But from a scientific prespective , I can't say that it has anything to do with the question. Science explains that all living beings are made of cells. Cells are quite interesting in how they know how to differenciate and take care of the funcions of the body they make up.  Look at a creature like a blue-bottle. It has no brain . It is simply made up of cells which each perform a function that benefits the entire organism.Like you or I.But without a brain.

  3. Jasper's "question" is more "plausible", if you ask me.

  4. The species functions automatically.  Like a venus fly-trap.  Put something in the trap, and it closes.  Its not a conscious response, its automatic.  And it doesn't feel sympathy for the suffering insect, either.... or does it?

    Ahhh... better question:  Does a species that doesn't have a brain or a heart have the ability to feel or think?

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