
How does the stephanie meyers twilight series end?

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it may sound strange but i am on book 2 and i hate hate to wait i thought edward would turn bella by the end of book one .. i have to know weather or not he turns her and in what book.. please tell me i cant stand to wait.. also does book 4 have a happy ending??




  1. i really dont want to spoil it for you, but i'll tell you this, i t does have a happy ending for everyone. no hole is left open, and all the characters have closure, except for leah. there all good endings. but becasue meyer wanted to have happy endings she twisted all the plotlines in breaking dawn.

  2. Edward turns Bella into a vampire in book 4, Breaking Dawn. Bella and Edward get married in the beginning of book for and then they go on there honeymoon. While there on there honeymoon Bella thinks she got the stomach flu from some piece of chicken she ate but really, shes pregnant. The baby turns out to be half mortal half vampire and it grows extremely fast so while it would take a human to have a baby 9 months it only takes bella about 4 weeks and while its inside Bella its trying to kill her (but its not really, you see it needs blood to survive so its taking Bella not knowing its her, but Edward can hear the babies thoughts and they baby LOVES bella and dosnt want to kill her) so after the Beautiful baby girl is born Bella dies but then Edward realizes shes not completely dead so he bites her all over her body and she turn into a vampire. Then Jacob imprints on Renesme (but you might not know what that is if your not at the end of book to, but its basically where a werewolf falls in love with a human and CANNOT let her go, they have to be with her, its basicall "love at first sight" taken way to literally) and because renesme is so little jacob has to act as her brother and friend til she comes of age and is ready to have a boyfriend. I dont wanna ruin wht happens after that cause its big but the ending is VERY happy

  3. First answer was incorrect but yes it does have a happy ending...but I don't want to give anything else away

  4. I know it must kill you not to know the ending, but I promise you, it will be worth the wait. Stephenie is a sucker for happy endings, so I guarantee you that there are no sad notes in Breaking Dawn. And if you love Edward, you will like the ending. I'm sorry, I just don't have the heart to spoil it for you. I hope you understand. :)

  5. In the middle of the 4th book, Edward turns Bella into a vampire after a VERY violent birth. Half of the book is about Bella's vampire life. At the end of the book, Edward said, "Forever and Forever and Forever." and then i cried because i was happy! :D

  6. Bella and edward have a half human half vampire baby and bella is changed into a vampire. Jacob then imprints on the baby ( renesmee )

    Just a typical happy ever after ending.


  7. yes it ends happily


  8. Read the book! just hold n and wait you'll like it so much better if you do. yes it does end happily

  9. she becomes a vampire!

    there is no book 4

    it ends wonderfully!


  10. I really don't want to spoil it for you, but I will tell you this: they stay together although something happens between Jacob and Bella.

    I can't tell you because they are too good to spoil. You won't enjoy it as much.

  11. the books would be far more exciting if you read them instead of been told

    they are simply fantastic

    breaking dawn (book 4) has a wonderful ending,

    loads happens, it is shocking.

    the book wouldn't have the same effect if someone was to tell what happened.

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