
How does the thyroid start ?

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please tell me




  1. They are asking how a thyroid starts.

    I thought we were all born with thyroid glands? Like the adams apple of a guy.. I don't know. Thyroid cancer? Uhm.. I guess any way any other cancer starts.

  2. not sure what you're asking...

  3. your born with a thyroid gland and it works. your born. thats like asking how does my nose start?

  4. The thyroid is a butter-fly shaped gland that is near the wind-pipe at the end of your neck. It produces hormones that regulate your metabolism as well as other body processes. You can have an under-production (hyperthyroidism) or an overproduction (hypothyroidism) of these hormones which will have a profound effect on all parts of your body.

    People are there-fore born with a thyroid, sometimes a child maybe born with a thyroid problem at birth, a pediatric endocrinologist will be called in to deal with this issue and advise the parents what course of treatment will be needed for their child's care.

    Most people have a normal functioning thyroid at birth and it goes astray later on in life for alot of different reasons. These people will seek advise of an endrinologist and will be advised on the proper courses of treatment.

    I hope that this has answered you question.

  5. It doesn't "start" it already is. It's when it isn't working correctly (either too much or too little) that you have problems. If you want to know about THAT then ask. :-) Other than that, I'm not quite sure what you're asking.  

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