
How does the tv station of a show know how many people watched it?

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How does the tv station of a show know how many people watched it?




  1. The official Nielsen Ratings website has details on how the tv ratings are measured and compiled.

  2. The most commonly cited Nielsen results are reported in two measurements: ratings points and share, usually reported as (ratings points/share). As of August 27, 2007, there are an estimated 112.8 million television households in the United States. A single national ratings point represents one percent of the total number, or 1,128,000 households for the 2006-07 season. Share is the percentage of television sets in use tuned to the program.

    For example, Nielsen may report a show as receiving a 9.2/15 during its broadcast, meaning that on average 9.2 percent of households were tuned in at any given moment. Additionally, 15 percent of all televisions in use at the time were tuned into this program. Nielsen re-estimates the number of households each August for the upcoming television season.

    Nielsen Media Research also provides statistics on estimated total number of individual viewers, and on specific demographics. Advertising rates are influenced not only by the total number of viewers, but also by particular demographics, such as age, s*x, economic class, and area. Younger viewers are considered more attractive for many products, whereas in some cases older and wealthier audiences are desired, or female audiences are desired over males.

    Because ratings are based on samples, it is possible for shows to get 0.0 share, despite having an audience; CNBC talk show McEnroe was one notable example.[2] Another example is The CW show CW Now, which received two 0.0 ratings in the same season.

    The term is also used by Arbitron for describing the percentage listening to a particular radio station out of all those listening to radio in the market area.[

  3. This site works well for me,


    Hope this can help you!:)

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