
How does the twinke in wall-e last 700 years?

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the one the roach eats that wall-e feeds him....its been 700 years, how did the twinke survive?




  1. Lol. That was disgusting, and I wondered that, too.

    Anything that loaded with corn syrup and additives will last a long time. I think that was a really good addition on Disney's part.

  2. Probably from all of the preservatives!

  3. Twinkies are as amazingly good as they are disgusting. But do you know why? We've picked a few facts from Twinkie, Deconstructed (Hudson Street Press, $24), by Steven Ettlinger.

    Phosphorus, part of a key Twinkie ingredient, was discovered in 1669 by German alchemist Hennig Brand when he boiled down the urine he collected from local nuns.

    Other Twinkie ingredients include the rocks trona and limestone.

    Twinkies made per year: 500,000,000.

    Twinkie cream gets its slippery sheen from cotton cellulose, which serves the same purpose in rocket fuel.

    Despite popular lore, Twinkies will not survive a nuclear war any better than you will--their average shelf life is 25 days.

    President Clinton put a Twinkie in a time capsule.

    what really bothers me is the fact that alot of the ingred. in a Twinkie comes from China!!! They don't monitor how their foods are made, hence all of OUR dogs dying due to their crappy supply of wheat gluten that poisoned our pets. Not to mention the lead in our childrens toys. After reading this I"m not eating any Twinkies again.

    Artificial ingredients, whether for Twinkies or any other popular, common, processed food, are often made with raw ingredients or sub ingredients that come from all over the world, notably China.  Most of these ingredients are made by enormous international companies that have no plans to reveal how they make our food.

  4. Have no idea how a twinke could survive that long.  In my house they only survive 2 or 3 days at the most!  :o)

  5. The answer is that special brand of disney magic that things are not to be taken so seriously.

  6. is that the joke though?  twinkies will never decompose cause there is that much sugar etc in it.  they made a joke about it in and old Law and Order SVU episode too.

  7. EveReady®! They NEVER quit!


  8. haha I ahve no idea! I want to know too!

    Im guessing its becaus theyre twinkies from the future so the wrapper keeps them nice and fresh lol.

  9. I like that you're asking how a Twinkie could last that long without questioning anything else that's possibly questionable, like the fact that robots are communicating in a human-like manner...

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