
How does the two-party system benefit regular citizens?

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The two-party system (Republicans and Democrats) obviously helps Politicians, because many candidates get votes from voters that just vote for every candidate of a particular party.

Wouldn't it be more logical to come up with your own views on issues then look for the candidate that most closely matches your ideas? It seems like picking a party is like putting yourself in a box.




  1. The two party system doesn't benefit regular citizens, except for maybe not confusing them by making them think.  

    Your idea makes more sense in a three party system since the voters already look for the "candidate that most closely matches" their ideas.  

    We end up voting for the one we see as the lesser evil.

    Each of three parties would have to be still  more specific about their policies and goals.  

  2. I agree. It does create some problems because people have a tendency to vote party lines rather than research the candidates. It happens less in presidential elections than for senate, house of reps, judges, etc. However, I definitely think people should do more research on particular candidates so that they vote for a person's views rather than a party's views. Obviously a Republican candidate is going to have mainly Republican platforms, but there are variations (i.e. McCain). Rather than vote for (or against) someone because they are affiliated with one party, it would be more beneficial to our country if people took the time to learn about the actual candidate.

  3. that's why there are 3rd parties. i belong to the Alaska independence party.  

  4. If a campaign didn't cost millions of dollars, then yes, that would be the best situation, but as we've seen many times with folks like Ralph Nader, and Ross Perot, without the backing of some big bucks, you can't compete.

  5. It doesn't.

  6. It doesn't.

    A multi-party system would be better.

  7. You know what-that is exactly what they want you to be-in a box. Now do yourself a favor and go out there and raise all holy h**l and vote. We are being reamed by an unholy agenda that is milking us white,there is no point in complaining to your congressman as he has already been bought and sold-not unlike a w***e mongering piece of You know what. Do something worthy of an independent thought-for God's sake.Beyond that,have a day of some sort,be it 'nice'or otherwise.

  8. Yes, but with party platforms (assuming they stick to you can vote for politicians who you may not have familiarity with.

    Sure, we all know who is running for president, but how about State Secretary in district 9?

    I think it simplifies an already too complicated system.

    Of course, people should vote their conscience.    

  9. Yes, the 2-party system is a trap.

    Get a few more parties to get some better choices.

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