
How does the use of electricity affect global warming?

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How does the use of electricity affect global warming?




  1. It doesn't.

  2. well in the theory the generation of it can but thunder storms produce heaps of ozone so in some ways its good. I am a skeptic so I bet it doesn't because directly it can't but indirectly it will never

  3. Using electricity in and of itself does not affect global warming.  

    The problem is how we produce the electricity.  Most of the electricity in the United States is accomplished by burning coal.  That releases massive quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere, producing the greenhouse effect that is causing global warrming.

    We can use as much electricity as we  want.  We can even power our cars with it so we don't burn oil (which is about as bad as burning coal--more CO2 released).


    Some electricity is produced by hydroelectric  generators powered by water.  some is produced by nuclear power.  Neither of those adds CO2 to the atmosphere.  We need to expand alternative technologies.  There is no "single" answer--but here's an overview of the options we have now that work and either are or soon will be  cost-effective  (meaning cheaper than oil or coal):

    >expanded nuclear power. Note that modern technology for this purpose is far safer than in the past--and is less expensive.

    >wind power

    >solar power

    >geothermal energy

    >tidal power (this is hydroelectric power using the movement of water caused by tides, instead of movement of river water).

    We can convert to these technologies without losing any of the energy we now use--and add more.  And the sum total of COw2 that would be released is: zero.

    Again--its not the electricity, its how we are producing the electricty.

  4. It depends on what type of power plant produces your household electricity.  Nuclear, solar, and windmill make up less than ten percent or so of the nations electricity contribute nothing to global warming.  Much of America is coal generated, and some is natural gas.  Coal is less clean that Natural gas and does add to GW but not nearly a much as say the cars.

  5. global warming is fake people can just make tons of moeny off of the idea

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