
How does the verse James 1:26?

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In James 1:26 the Bible says that if any person thinks they are religious and yet they do not keep a tight rein on their tongue, they deceive themselves and their religion is worthless.

What does this mean from a communications perspective? Do you agree? Disagree? Give reasons.

Please use real-life examples, and examples from the Bible.

Thank you.

(This was actually a discussion question for my online communications class that I just answered, and I was curious to know what others had to say)




  1. I agree.  Sometimes I just open my yap on impulse and say something....anything, just in my desire to be heard and respected, and that is not the true motivation of religion.

    Putting your thoughts in order has so much merit.

    I can't think of any specific examples right now, but I'm sure one happened yesterday!

  2. we need to watch ourselves...

  3. Be careful not to miss the context.Back up to v, 19 and read the whole passage. James is warning about those that talk it, but don't walk it. Controlling what spills out of your mouth is part of being a Christian.

    Religion here could mean worship. How can your praise (worship) God with the same tongue you use to curse man?

  4. To keep a tight rein(bridle his tongue) means watch what your saying, think before you speak. Maybe these scriptures will help ( Psalms 39:1; Prov 12:18; 15:2; & 1 Peter 3:10 ) To rein or bridle is to control what you say.

  5. Religion is man's attempt to reach God.

    Christianity is what God wrought through Jesus Christ.

    There's the difference a lot of people seem to miss. So, as for religion, it is worthless. Standing on God's Word and making it your only rule of faith and practice, now that's a different story altogether. It helps when you reign in your tongue. Words can bless and hurt people. Please bear that in mind.

  6. *** cj chap. 1 pp. 46-47 Chapter 1 ***

    26 If any man seems to himself to be a formal worshiper

    A man may imagine himself to be devout, fully dedicated to God. He may be doing even some righteous works, appearing in his own eyes to be a wholehearted worshiper. Yet there may be a grave flaw in his conduct—a flaw that would call into serious question his professing to be a Christian. The Christian’s entire life course should harmonize with the “word” of truth. It must be from the heart, not a mere adherence to certain formalities or a prescribed routine. It is God’s estimation of him, not his own, that really counts. (1 Cor. 4:4)

    and yet does not bridle his tongue

    The serious defect that James here mentions is a failure to keep the tongue in check from speaking what is bad. This would include slanderous talk, backbiting, rash statements, flattery, deceptive reasoning, and so forth. Whatever his pretensions, his speech condemns him as being hypocritical. The Pharisees were self-righteous, but with their tongues they flattered, lied, sought their own glory and spoke evil of those whom they considered inferior. (Mark 12:38-40; John 7:47, 48; compare Romans 3:10-18.)

    but goes on deceiving his own heart

    Self-righteousness brings self-deception. Christianity requires that our body members, including the tongue, be controlled. ‘Every thought should be brought into captivity and made obedient to the Christ.’ (2 Cor. 10:5) Therefore, the person who thinks that he is living as a Christian and yet leaves his tongue unbridled, to the hurt of others, or to himself, is deceiving himself. He may have many abilities, and even zeal and outward benevolence. But he does not really appreciate what it means to be a Christian. (1 Cor. 13:1-3) No one who still carries on some God-dishonoring practice can be a devoted servant of God. James says more about the tongue in chapter 2.

    this man’s form of worship is futile

    Since there is a major defect in the individual’s conduct, his worship is not acceptable to Jehovah. It is not really worship of God, but a mere formalism, contaminated by his lack of control of the tongue. Such supposed worship is defiled, unclean, and, therefore, futile or in vain. Compare Haggai 2:14, where the prophet shows that Israel’s negligence in temple rebuilding made all their works unclean from God’s standpoint. They had a form of worship, but it was of no value in Jehovah’s eyes.

  7. All humans are alike. We all are worthless sinners with foul mouths. However believers are to live in the spirit and not the flesh. God has opened my eyes to this and has made me aware that I must control my tongue and it takes practice. We cant walk around and say we are holy and then curse people out. Every single one of us would like to say you stupid bleep bleep bleep bleep when someone almost hits us in the car or when someone pisses us off. However those are natural emotions. And natural emotions are those of the flesh. Believers are to move by the spirit. He's saying if we act religious and then curse folks out every other day then our religion is worthless because we have no self control. Praise God he has opened my eyes to this and may this message bless who it will.

  8. If you are going to talk the talk, you better walk the walk.  So if you act all religious, yet you cuss and slander and all that, regularly, without thought, then your faith is worthless.

  9. On the day of judgment, everyone will have to give an account for every idle word they have spoken.

  10. "keep a tight rein on their tongue" - ROFL!  Christians do have a way with words...

  11. yes, how can you expect any one to believe if your always babbling on and on especially if you don't know what your talking about.

    they should use this time to be reading the bible find out the real truth

    instead of spoon feeding others with the fairy tales they have been told

  12. If taken literally that is the absolute truth... since no one literally has a tight rein on their tongue their religion is worthless.  Completely true.  

    A more general statement would just to be to say religion is worthless.

  13. Basically this is saying the same thing that James 2 is saying.

    "Faith by itself, if it is not accompained by action, is dead." (vs. 17)

  14. It means that if you can gossip, lie, say bad things about others, swear or cuss, or even replace some of the 4-letter words with parallel words, then you can't claim to be religious.

    (I forgot what it's called when you use ONE word instead of another, yet you actually MEAN the first word.  Like if you say "Gee" or "Gees" instead of "Jesus", or if you say "Gosh" or "Golly" instead of "God" or "Gosh dang" instead of "God d...", or "fuey" instead of the "f" word, of "heck" instead of "h**l", etc.)

    You see, God not only judges by what we DO (or SAY, as the case may be), but God sees our heart, our thoughts, our intentions, and our motives as well.

    So James says we should bridle our tongue.

    Oh, yeah, one other thing to add to this list of things not to say:  The Bible says that whatever is true, lovely, pleasing, of a good report, etc, think on THESE things.  And I would say that this should also be extended not just to what we think, but what we say.  For instance, don't speak negatively, etc.

    At least, that's MY take on these things.

  15. Take a look around at what people say to each other in this section.  Not to mention all the fundies who do crazy things like protesting at fallen soldiers' funerals and such, and tell everyone they are going to h**l.  

    I will again quote Abraham Lincoln here:  "It's better to say nothing and be thought a fool, then to open your mouth and remove all doubt."  

    Not saying that religious people are fools, just that those who do and say terrible things in one breath, while trying to say they worship a god who loves everyone in the other breath are not only proving they are fools, but hypocrites, as well.  And the world will not suffer hypocrisy for long.

  16. The bible is a strange book that does not make a lot of sense.All religions are worthless.

  17. Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.

    Psalm 141:3

    When men take more pains to seem religious than really to be so, it is a sign their religion is in vain. The not bridling the tongue, readiness to speak of the faults of others, or to lessen their wisdom and piety, are signs of a vain religion. The man who has a slandering tongue, cannot have a truly humble, gracious heart. False religious may be known by their impurity and uncharitableness. True religion teaches us to do every thing as in the presence of God. An unspotted life must go with unfeigned love and charity. Our true religion is equal to the measure in which these things have place in our hearts and conduct. And let us remember, that nothing avails in Christ Jesus, but faith that worketh by love, purifies the heart, subdues carnal lusts, and obeys God's commands.

    -Till He Returns

    God Bless

  18. In a multitude of words, sin is not lacking.

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