
How does the water saving shower head work as well as a normal one? and how does it work?

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How does the water saving shower head work as well as a normal one? and how does it work?




  1. it limits the flow of water by downsizing the size of the flow lines inside the shower head ... the result is using less water but the effect is no where as refreshing as a normal hi flow shower head

  2. I think it works by introducing air into the water stream at the shower head.  It kind of makes the water a mist instead of a stream.  I think it works okay for bathing and washing.  The bummer for me is it makes the water cooler.  It is hard to get a really hot shower all over yourself because the air it injects into the stream makes you less warm.

  3. water saving heads are horrible.  its a pain to rinse your hair and soap off.  I can't imagine being female with long hair!!  hotels have them and actually lose customers over it.  if you want to save water make sure your hose and toilet don't leak.

  4. i respectfully disagree with big twin. i have always used "the incredible head" (yes i bought it because of the name). it is available at lowes for about 7 bucks and works GREAT!

    i had a crappy low pressure shower in my house. put in the head, and all of a sudden i had some power in the shower.

    just make sure you get the right one.

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