
How does the weather affect us?????

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How does the weather affect us?????




  1. It affects on what way specifically?

    It can affect with your cultures and the way you eat and drink... The way you dress too, and your physical look....

    Oh, and the way you feel too,

  2. It affects people different ways. My boys have autism, and when the barometric pressure drops, it tends to make them more prone to emotional outburst. It's like it depresses their system and makes them more vulnerable. It also affects people who have had any type of surgery and have a scar. I can tell when it's going to rain just by the way my scar from my c-sections get tender to the touch. I know it's not an exact science or anything, but it does affect a lot of people. Just ask anyone with arthritis. When it's rainy, humid and extremely damp their joints swell and the pain is greater than when the sun is shining.

    The human body is an amazing thing and a lot of the causes of pains are still being figured out.

  3. For some people, it effects them if they don't like the cold or heat. Plus global warming, that doesn't just effect us but it effects the world. So it effects our body temperature pretty much!

  4. Gloomy days tend to make people more sad or feel lazy, bright sunny days give energy... When the moon is full, it affects mood the same way it moves waves(I know that's not weather, but I thought it was interesting). Long periods of time w/o sun can make people go crazy (Cabin Fever)...

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