
How does the world view Britain?

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How does the world view Britain?




  1. Lots of people over here in Australia view Britain with a romantic view and tend to see it as a place of rolling green hills, castles, and hot guys with hot accents :P This view does change during the Ashes, however ^^

    Politically-wise, we don't tend to give it that much thought normally as all of our overseas political attention is mainly focused on George Bush.

    As for myself, I lived in England for a while and I would like nothing more than to go back there :D

  2. Well,me not being the world it is very hard to say.Personally I don't give a sh*t.They can think what they like.

  3. Speaking for myself:

    With my eyes!


  4. (a) as an imperial parasitical tyranny that got lucky in WW2

    (b) a vicious 'nation' complict in most of the world atrocities (genocides) against humanity, the invasion and seizure of palestine to name just 1 of many

    (c) an orwellian basket case that spies on its slavish citizens with 4 millon surveillance cameras

    (d) the only western nation which continues to subjugate itself to a club of royal freeloaders

    Hope this helps

  5. Well I am from California(USA). I see Great Britain as a land of opportunities and land of the kings and the honorable queen. Look I would one day would like to go to Britain and visit that famous Clock and that bridge. Although there are TV shows here they make the British seem as evil and mean. But like the majority of the American we ignore that dopey message.

    You should be proud that you are British.

    Look  my parents are from Mexico I was born here I am a proud American with Mexican decent.

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