
How does the x-files show end?

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i really wanna know. what the h**l happens ive been watching reruns on tnt and everytime it gets close...they go back to the first season




  1. in the last episode,,mulder comes back an gets accused of murder,they have a trial and they have heaps of flashbacks from the show,,,,,,,hes is found guilty,,but we no he didnt do it,''well sort of''...,anyway skinner and dogget bust him out of jail an him and scully run away and live happily ever after,,.there is heaps more but its just to much to tell,,,,,

  2. Well at the end, Barbara Walters shows up and runs past the camera naked.

  3. i think the aliens come to get her baby but it turn out that they just came to see the baby and just leave then Dana closes the door to the baby room and the thing on the crib start to turn on its own like if the baby had powers or something i think that was it and they never found Fox

  4. Mulder is accused of murdering an FBI Agent. He believes that this agent cannot actually be killed because he is what is known as a super-soldier, which is an alien-human hybrid that is seemingly invincible. During the trial, Skinner acts as his lawyer and they 'put the truth' on trial. Mulder rests his entire defense on proving the existence of a government conspiracy to hide the existance of extraterrestrials and enable their return to Earth. They weave the tale that millions of years ago, a comet crashed to earth carrying the building blocks of human life, but also, an alien virus. This alien virus eventually infected some of early man, changing them into 'aliens.' These aliens apparently died during the last ice age, but the virus remained dormant. Scully testified that she believed the virus could think, and was communicating with the aliens still in outer space. She also spoke of the government conspiracy that was bent on making alien-human hybrids to become a slave race for the aliens. However, those judging don't buy it. Mulder is sentenced to die by lethal injection. But this does not stop our hero. Skinner and Dogget, aided by Assistant Director Kirsch(who tried Mulder), help Mulder escape with Scully. They drive down to New Mexico where the Cigarette Smoking Man has been hiding. He then tells Scully that the place he is hiding is the only place the Super Soldiers cannot go because of a certain metal found there that will kill them. He also tells Scully what Mulder has been neglecting to tell her; that on December 21, 2012 (The day that the Mayan calendar stops) the aliens will reclaim Earth. He also speaks of the higher people in government who wanted to use his hiding place as a place in which they could continue to live. He said that the Mayan elders had used it before, and watched their people die around them. Suddenly, they are attacked. The Cigarette Smoking man is killed (no, really this time) and Mulder and Scully escape. The next we see them, they are in a hotel room discussing what has just occured. Mulder, still on the run, says that he still wants to believe- and that he believes there is something greater than them, greater than the aliens, out there that gives him hope to carry on- and that maybe they can fight fate. The show ends with Mulder and Scully lying together, with an uncertain future.

    As for the rest, you will just have to watch the movie. If you have any other questions, you could consult the Wikipedia on the X-Files (though it is hardly helpful).

    I hope I helped.

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