
How does these quotes effect the colonists and America now?

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1. "Love your neighbor; yet don't pull down your hedge."

2. "One day is worth two tomorrows."

3. "Nothing brings more pain than too much pleasur; nothing more bondage than too much liberty."




  1. 1. This quote is basically saying love each other, but don't trust too much. We must maintain a certain amount of distance. (In modern America the second part of the quote is more focused on, "don't pull down the hedge." For the colonists, I believe the "love thy neighbor" was more influential).

    2. This quote is talking about the value of not putting things off, illustrating the amount of work that can be done in one day if one actually starts instead of merely dreaming. For both the colonists and modern Americans, the effect of this quote is people working harder on a day-to-day basis, in attempt to achieve the American dream.

    3. "Too much liberty." is basically a conservative belief in the early days of the colonists. The Puritan religion strongly believed human beings should not experience too much pleasure because it led to evil. Liberty meant temptation, temptation meant sin, and sin meant damnation. (Therefore, pleasure brings pain).

    In America now, you don't see this belief being as prevalent. However, I do think the quotation effects the way certain political parties rule. Many religions still see pleasure as leading to evil as well.

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