
How does this do in ending a tale?

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Trial of Sight

Part Twenty-one

Finally to the retelling of Little Red

Cara woke to scents of wild flowers

placed with care beside her bed

No more nightmares were left

only the warmth of home

“Am I safe now?”

Her Earth-bound angel came to her side

“No more Big Bad Wolves to haunt you,

Dear Red.

Rest easy… when you are well

I will take you home.

Your mother will be expecting you for supper”

How long had it been since she went home?

Not since the day

her innocents was stolen

The day she hoped, in time,

to forget…

-So this is the end… I think, but this is just me, that this is my best series yet. I am exceedingly proud that I finished and it has a cohesive, complete feel, unlike all my others… I hope to hear from many of you on this one… don’t leave me out here alone…

Blessed Be in Healing and Love and Light, Siren




  1. A good end to this series, my only question was did you mean innocence, rather than innocents?

    Keep writing!

  2. Don't you mean 'innocence'? Need to work on the punctuation.

  3. A warm, delightful ending to the harrowing tale, with just a hint of residual sorrow as expressed in the last four lines. I have loved this series and feel a touch  of sadness that it is over, as one always feels at the end of a wonderful story. Thank you.

  4. This is a perfect ending, sweet, but sorrowful, because she is still blind, still suffering the scars left from the wolf. But there is the hope of home, of a mother's love returned, a grandmother who will fight for her. There is family, and now, at last, there is security. As for the Wolf, he will always haunt the corner of her mind, brought out spectacularly by the last two lines...

    I hope I never forget this series. Great job, blessed be in love and light and kisses from the muse.

  5. Bravos and bouquets to you Siren!

  6. i have never read ur other series, but these were amazing!!! wow, it was so descriptive and felt sooo real!! GREAT JOB!

    (even though i am sad that its over...


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