
How does this guy have 1 million points ?

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How does the guy named qat600 have 1,002,752 points when he has only asked 95 questions and has only answered 1 ?;_ylt=AkqR1UHA3KGpZpR2hQ1S.r0.zKIX;_ylv=3?f=a




  1. It has to be a mistake.  If you click on his profile, it says he has asked 44 and answered 1.  It isn't possible for him to have -1000023 in one week anyway.  

    Think of it like this, there aren't enough hours in a week for him to ask enough questions to get a - score like that.  It isn't humanly possible.  If you tried to count to 1 million, it would take 11 and 1/2 days of continuous counting.  Divide 1,000,000 by the number if seconds in one day ,which is  86,400.  it comes out to 11.574

  2. At the beginning of the week I noticed that he is on level 4 and that Yahoo awarded him 999.999 points in a single week. That of course is impossible, nobody can make that many points in a single week, especially when you are still limited to the number of questions you can answer - which is the case when you are on level 4. No matter what happened, somebody made a mistake somewhere...

  3. If you look closely you'll notice that his point total for the week has a minus sign ( - ) in front of it.

    His profile shows a total point balance of 2729 points.

    It also indicates he is level4, not 7.

    The computer must have burped when he wound up on top of the YA heap.

  4. Not been on for seven months and somehow got a minus point rating which appears to have been added to his actual point rating.All I acan imagine is two days ago  on the home page it said we are doing some upgrades and you may experience some odd behaviour. They sure as h**l were not joking if this is some of it.

  5. because his answer was suitable for numerous questions

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