
How does this happen?

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My 8 year old son had a sleepover party with 6 other boys, at our house. They all left pretty suddenly; when we were cleaning up I noticed one wet STINKY PULLUP was left in my son's bedroom. Who left them? What should i do?

This disgusted me.




  1. This is a big embarrassing problem for many children.  Treat that child the way you would want your child treated if he were the one with the problem.  This child might have intended to throw it away, but being eight he forgot.  If you find out who did it try to be understanding and find a discreet way for him to take care of it the next time he is over.

  2. i really wouldnt "do" anything, except maybe no more sleepovers, or if your son knows which kid was wearing a pull up  dont invite him to the next one if he cant  have the decency to clean up after himself, or at least throw it away.

  3. Throw out the pull up and do your best to find out who it belonged to. If you do, have a talk with the parent(s) first to prepare the child to talk to both you and his parent(s) at the same time to inform the child although accidents happen hiding them is not the answer. Assure the child next time he spends the night he can come to you for help and that you and your family will do their best to make him as comfortable as possible and that he can come to them with this problem. Explain to him that if he would be more comfortable with a one-on-one sleep over that you can accomodate that as well. In no way should you reprimand this child or his parent(s) because he most likely hid it out of embarrassment and don't shun him if you can because of this problem. Many children have this problem until as late as 11/12 years of age and some older. Nothing could be worse for this child than to be shunned from what is a common practice simply because he has this problem.

  4. Well, there isnt really much taht you can do other than throw it away.  The kid was probably embarrassed to walk to the trash can with it, in fear that your son and the other kids would make fun of him.

  5. First off, throw it away. I know the boys are 8 years old, but still, they should at least have the manners to clean up after themselves, even if it is a diaper. My son is 7 and he wears a Goodnite to bed because he is a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake himself up to use the bathroom. If he wets it, he throws it away and cleans up with a wipe.

    The best I could say for you to do is ask your son if he knows who wore a diaper. You can't call all the parent(s) just to see who left a diaper on the floor. That would disgust me also.

  6. Come on, who cares? It's not like you've never handled a wet pullup before.  Its perfectly common for older kids to still wet the bed (through absolutely no fault of their own), and hardly surprising that an 8-year-old wasn't mature enough or brave enough to risk ridicule carrying it somewhere to throw it away.  

    Put it in the trash and move on.  Don't try to find out whose it was.  What difference does it make? Poor kid.

  7. Just throw it away,obvioulsy the kid was scared,ashamed,embarassed,of this situation so he hid it before any of the kids noticed. He might have a personal problem like bladder infection or something...his parents could have told you,it would have been better but maybe he doesnt want NOBODY to know.  Just throw it away I wouldnt tell your child that you found it or ask him if he knew whose pullup it was,bc chances are that your kid will be just like any other kid and find out who did it and start making fun of him...which could lead the kid to be depressed...its just a pullup,throw it away.

  8. I agreee, you can't really confront anyone unless you know who for sure.

    If your son knows then you might just talk to that boys mother.

    Tell her if she was concerned with him overnight in a strange house having an accident, she should have told you. No need to be emberrased. I'm sure it was embarassing for the boy.
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