
How does this name sound for a little mixed girl?

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I am not hawaiian, but the baby will be hispanic and black.

IKAIKA pronounced E-KY-KA. It means strong in Hawaiian.

I like Ikaika Isabelle and Ikaika Arielle, which do you like best, if you like any?

Any suggestions welcome. I like middle names will the ELLE ending!!





  1. I think that nobody will ever know how to pronounce or spell it.

    Lisa..I totally agree with you about the 'mixed' thing.

  2. why would you want your baby to sound mixed?

  3. I like it.... hard to tell what it says though without the pronunciatioln..I think I like Isabelle better just because arielle makes me think of Disney, who i'm not to pleased with right now..... But Either one is cute :)

  4. Ikaika is relatively difficult to pronounce but Arielle is a good middle name.

    For first names, I'd suggest:






    also think about how for their entire life, people will struggle with their name and it may cause irreparable harm.

  5. I like Ikiaka Isabelle. It's Beautiful!

    and your baby is mixed of you want her to be mixed. There's no such thing as political correct-ness... lol

  6. Ikaika is an interesting choice, but I do agree that she could be the butt of cruel kids jokes. So I would suggest maybe finding a name that wouldn't easily be made fun of, just to save your daughter the humiliation : )

  7. My children as well are mixed

    (or bi - racial).  

    I think the name is different but cute. I love different names. It does not matter what race you are name your child what you think will fit her.  I think giving her a name that means strong is a great idea , women should be strong.  

  8. If you say it enough times, it starts to sound nice.  However, it's really hard to say, and while she is growning up, everyone will have trouble saying her name.

    I would prefer Isabelle or Arielle as her first name, instead of Ikaika.

  9. Sorry, but the name to me sounds like I ka ka. Once at the dinner table my daughter said "This chicken tastes like ka ka!! I'm not eating it!" When I asked her what she meant, she said that the food tasted like "p**p". She told me she learned that word at day care. I mean, kids are really mean, and they'll find any excuse to tease another kid. I wouldn't want kids to call her I ka ka. Sorry, for the long explanation!!! I really like Hawaiian names, too. I think the name Kalei is beautiful (pronounced KAHL-EYE or also KAH-LAY, whichever you prefer.) It means flower wreath. Kalei Ariel is a beautiful name. or Leilani Isabel. Leilani means child of heaven in Hawaiian. I love that, too. Another pretty Hawaiian name is Noelani Annabel. Noelani means mist of heaven.

  10. While there really aren't any masculine or feminine names in Hawaiian, Ikaika is usually used on guys not girls.  All of the Ikaikas that I've known are male, so if the baby is in Hawaii, she may get funny looks.

  11. I don't like the name sorry.  Ikaika makes me think of kaka which is not something you want your child to be called by all her classmates.

    And why do people keep saying the term mixed???  I keep thinking, what is the baby mixed with?  Sorry to get on my soapbox, but my daughter is not "mixed" she is bi-racial.

  12. Use the middle name(s) as the first name - the main thing with naming a child is image that you are projecting on to them.  You dont want them to be pigeonholed by the potential reader's predjudices.

    Case in point.  I named my daughter Anna-Stasia (okay maybe too many A's or S's, and even the hyphen might be a bit much) BUT... She thanks me for as an adult for picking something unique but not easily butchered (in spelling and pronouncing).

    Hope this helps...

  13. I like the name....took me a min to pronounce it but once I figured it out I do like it but I like Isabelle as the middle name better tahn Arielle.  I just like the name Isabelle in general!  Only problem you may have is when she starts school and teachers and other learning to say her name and her learning to spell it but the meaning behind it is beautiful!

  14. Arielle Isabella would be nice.

    Also, you might like Isaca (pronounced iss ah cah) or Athena.

    I don't like Ikaika-it sounds like the store IKEA

  15. Ikaika Belle

    Ikaika Brielle

    Ikaika Cantrelle

    Ikaika Channelle

    Ikaika Chantelle

    Ikaika Danielle

    Ikaika Gabrielle

    Ikaika Terrelle

    Ikaika Isabelle

    Ikaika Jerelle

    Ikaika Joelle

    Ikaika Kendelle

    Ikaika Michelle

    Ikaika Narelle

    Ikaika Noelle

    Ikaika Royelle

    Ikaika Shauntelle

    Ikaika Xanielle (zan yell)

  16. "mixed" is better for describing a dog, not a baby.

    Anyway, I don't like the name. I would never get it right, spelling or pronunciation. It also reminds me of Ikea.  


  18. this name sounds really pretty:

    nayana(pronounced nayaana)

  19. It's a kid, not a pet.  Would you want to walk around the rest of your life getting asked 20 times a day how to spell and pronounce your name?  At roll call in school, in business meetings, at the bank, etc.

    Most people will wind up saying "EYE KA KA" which is far from pleasant.

    The way you pronounce it has a commonly used slur against Jews right in the middle of it.

    Plus, as much as you like the meaning of the name, the thousands of people your child will meet won't have any clue or the time to hear the story of it's origin.

    Great middle name, bad first name.  If anything, take your name ideas and switch each around.

  20. Don't like it. Maybe use it as a middle name. She might get teased at school. I think you should go with Issabelle or Arielle.  

  21. ikaika isabelle sounds amazing.

    i like ikaika gabrielle to!

    but your the mom

    pick what ever one you wantt=]

  22. i think kids will call her iKAKA  

  23. I've known of a couple of hawaiian guys named Ikaika, never a girl. If you want a hawaiian name try to find something more girly and and that people will know how to pronounce. I actually know someone that named their daughter Leilani Isabelle which I think is really cute.  

  24. unique names like this are a real female dog.

    and i can honestly say thats one of the worst. at least shaqueesha is funny.

  25. Ikaika is not a good name, sounds like ka ka as in poopoo.

    and who says mixed?? my son is bi-racial.

  26. I think Im the queen of loving Unique names but I dont like that one.  If you love it though then go with Ikaika Arielle.... Can you spell it differently and pronounce it the same because at first glace I do think Ikea. I got EYE KY KA at first glane.  But its your baby and names always grow on people anyway.  Good luck.  

  27. Im not a big fan of that name for several reasons

    A- It reminds me of Ikea the store

    B- Most people will slaughter your childs name and there is nothing more frusterating than when someone can pronounce your name or spell it correctly

    C- Its just not that great of a name; it just sounds odd

    I would choose something unique but something that people can pronounce!

  28. Sounds different - if you like it that's a good name. Personally? I like names that are more solid & less creative like Allison Michelle, Rebecca Danielle. Race doesn't matter - if it did, I never would have known a little white girl named Jacquetta - her name would have been Linda or Jessica or something right?

  29. That's an awful name for a hispanic/black child. Why would you choose a Hawaiin name for her? That's like naming a little white boy Juan Pablo or Jesus.

    Start over.

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