
How does this situation work out for me?

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Basically i'm 14 years old and I skateboarded back when I was about 11 or 12 but to the point. I didn't have a skateboard but a friend of mine said he would give me his. So he came down to my house gave me his and that was about it..but here comes the hard part, earlier today I get a knock on the door from a cop saying that the skateboard I had was stolen that point I was baffled I told the officer that it was given to me by a friend and I didn't know that it had been stolen. The officer told me it was ok not to worry about it and he gave the kid back the board(he told us who it was) So I went to the boys house and his mother anwsered the door. I told her I was sorry and I did not know it had been stolen and she ended up pretty much telling me off and said she was pressing charges and her husband is getting a 48 hour military emergancy leave to come press charges even though I didn't take it what am I to expect out of this and what should I do?




  1. Stay quiet, and keep a low profile for a while. If it still doesn't work, then get a lawyer.

  2. Well, if shes not full of **** and actually goes threw with pressing charges you'll have to go to court, but im pretty sure if you tell the judge your side of the story nothing will happen or you might just get community service.

  3. Thieves don't normally go to the victim's house and apologize. I say everything you've done, including giving the skateboard to the cops when they asked and going and apologizing clearly shows you are innocent and remorseful. I would not contact the people/mother again and avoid them. I think she was just trying to harass you and she doesn't sound like a very nice person. Did you give the police the name of your friend who gave you the skateboard? They will do their investigation. Why did the cops come to your house to begin with? Did the kid who owned the skateboard see you with it? Did the skateboard have any identification so you would have known who it belonged to? These are things they will question. Even if you did steal it, they'd have a hard time proving it unless someone actually saw you do it. I wouldn't worry. I'd yell at the kid who gave it to you though.

  4. SOMEONE is lying.  The military does NOT give leave to press charges for PETTY theft.  The husbands presence would have ZERO impact on the case anyway.  On top of that, only the DA can actually press criminal charges.  A civil case is moot because they recovered the board undamaged, therefore they can't show damages.

    I will state that you should NEVER have gone to the house.

  5. forget about it nothing will happen

  6. If the officer told you not to worry about it, don't. Mom can't press charges, that's up to the DA with the officers recommendation.

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