
How does this sound for a boy?

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His father is active duty and will also be partially named after his late Grandfather who earned the Purple Heart.

Ares- Greek mythology character

Ares Cheston White




  1. That is very noble of you to chose a name after his grandfather and that's just how the name sounds - noble.

  2. I like Ares

  3. unique names like that are the best!

  4. I think thats a really nice name, and im not just saying that. I think its nice because its rare, but not rare enough that people dont know how to pronounce it. I also think that Cheston goes well with that name :] and thats so cool that he's going to be named after his grandfather, i'm named after both of my grandmothers. (first name is one, middle name is the other)

    the names so unique! i love it.

    good luck!

  5. I think it's a bit much. Plus, it's my friend's pitbull's name.

  6. That sounds Pretty Cool =]  Its really unique , I personally like names that are more unique and original .

  7. I actually think its kind of cute.

  8. It is a very intriguing name. I would switch the first and middle name however.

  9. It was really nice then i looked what the God the god was considered Cowardly not sure if that's what you were trying for

  10. i dont like it

  11. I like it. And it is meaningful.

  12. The actual name sounds very stately.

    By now you probably know that Ares was the god of war. And, Cheston is a derivitive of Chester which means "Camp of Soldiers."

    I am a firm believer that a child will grow into his or her name. Be prepared.

  13. Ares and White are ok, but Cheston needs to be changed.

  14. I absolutely love it. It's very unique, but not the type of name that a kid would get teased for. It flows so well. Beautiful.

  15. Since the military is a big factor in naming your baby, why not Patton Bush White. Or Napoleon Caesar White. Just kidding, I think Ares Cheston is a great name. Ares is an unusual name and I think it makes a person stand out in a crowd. It's easy to remember an unusual name. I named my son Sterling and always get compliments on his name. By the way, my name is Ira. I was named after my grandfather and he was named after his grandfather. I think it gives a little bit of interesting history tribute to be named after family.

  16. Well, to each their own, but first the name doesn't flow to me. Second, the god Ares is "often referred to as the Olympian god of warfare, he is more accurately the god of savage warfare, bloodlust, or slaughter personified." I don't think I would really want that to be my kid's legacy, but again, to each their own!!! lol

  17. Not bad but I guarantee he will spend his whole life correcting pronunciation.

  18. That's an interesting kind of unique name, I like it!

  19. Ares is an excellent name. I wish that was my name.

  20. tht's pretty cool

  21. Very unique... i like it .

  22. I kinda like Cheston Ares White... I've always had a thing about vowels for a middle name though. But yes, all in all very cute name!! Unique but not too weird : )

    Can anyone here help me? Please?

  23. i love that name and i have the same last name... White

  24. Its ok

  25. I like it. Will you be pronouncing it (AIR eez) or (AH rees)? Either way is nice...

  26. Very unique and meaningful name! Congratulations and good luck!

  27. great

    in school i learned about the greek mythology stuff and isnt ares like the guy that is like the strong powerful guy or something like that i cant remember but he was something good lol


  28. I like it, but I think I'm pronouncing it wrong. One or two syllables? I love unique names... my real name is so boring lol

  29. intresting very interesting

  30. Um, I don't like it, sorry.


    But if he's being named after someone so honorable (his grandfather, not the god) then go for it.

  31. i love it! its unique without being weird. definitely a very good choice :D and congratulations <3 :)

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