
How does this whole "Goddess" culture thing fit with Feminism. Can they coexist?

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Does feminism take any stance on women who consider themselves "goddesses?"




  1. I'm a feminist, and if a woman wants to think of herself as a "goddess" I say go for it.  It's a term of empowerment.  I don't think she would expect to have people believe she's a female "god"... you know, true divinity or a deity.  But if she wants to be a human goddess; a woman of beauty and power and strength... good for her!  

    Oh, yeah, she also has to realize that other women may feel they are goddesses too!  It's about empowerment, but it's not about superiority over other women -- or even men.

  2. No.  Many feminists are atheist.  Many aren't.  

    Sorry I can't help you better: I need to check in with International Feminist Conspiracy Headquarters first.

  3. It seems like it would fit well, since feminism is about empowerment, and there aren't many things more powerful than being a goddess.

  4. (Ducks from misogynists on the site) (Not you) Yeah, I'm a feminist, and I'm into the whole "goddess" culture. I think women are goddesses. But I"m a feminist, too. Hehe.

  5. For the most part, feminists are annoyed by delusions of grandeur.

  6. You mean like 'domestic goddesses'? The hype in the 90s was that it was all about empowerment and retaining femininity. This seems to have faded a little.

    Not sure what the official feminist take on this is.

  7. Many feminists have adopted goddess worship, which

    is fine... however they usually assert that the Goddess

    is for "women only", which is completely wrong.

    The original primordeal Goddess is mankind's oldest

    known deity, and was worshipped equally by both men

    and women.

    Best wishes,


  8. Of course.

    Just as some people can be Republicans without being fundamentalist christians.

    It's an individual thing, not a matter of 'official policy'.

    Cheers :-)

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