
How does this works?

by  |  earlier

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I have hopes for this and want to give it a try. When I go to complete an offer, sometimes it tells me to put in my real address and stuff like for a free 500 dollar gift card but those other sites I don't trust so is there a way for me to get the points without having to do that stuff?





    with this amazing site you basically complete free surveys to earn points. Then use the points you've earned to redeem prizes. You can order prizes such as game consoles, video games, iPod Touch, iPhone, PC games, etc. Just follow these simple steps:

    Step 1: Sign up using the link above.

    Step 2: Complete all the fields in the registration. Make sure to use legit information, as it is where your prize will be sent.

    Step 3: Click Available Offers, and complete some surveys. Go for the highest point surveys or the newest.

    Step 4: Save up enough points. Then go to Available Prizes or Custom order.

    Step 5: Pick your prize. No shipping costs at all! (Unless it's a custom order)

    Step 6: Wait for it to arrive.

    Step 7: Smile =)

    *No doubt this is 100% Legal, Legit, and Free*

    for more info, go to:

  2. you could get points through referrals

    20% of everything they make

    here is a link for you:

  3. There some other ways to earn points without putting real referring friends or doing email submitions and sometimes you don't have to even put real info just put some random address. If your still interested heres my ref. link.

  4. the way it works is companies (say 10 companies for example) pay into this scheem. They each pay a certain ammount.

    now.. with this money the rewards site offers prizes.. but to get the prizez you must do tasks for points..

    the points are a tool of advertising for the companies participating.. EG. you get a point for new members joining. you get a point for completing an offer..

    its all so the companies involved get cost efficient advertising where the users atract the members for rewards.

    hope that helps and is easy o understand,  

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