
How does throwing trash on the ground pollute rivers and oceans?

by Guest57241  |  earlier

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I litter all the time. I always throw my cigarette butts out of the car window.




  1. because it flows to the ocean and how dare you

  2. because the wind blows it there and is not bio degradable.

  3. When it rains, your cigarette butt gets washed down into the storm sewer and from there into the nearest creek or river.  Cigarette filters are made of cellulose acetate tow, not cotton, and they can take decades to degrade.  These butts and other plastics, styroforam, and other trash float down river and eventually into the ocean.  Besides being unsightly, fish, turtles, dolphins and birds end up eating some of this trash which, of course they can not digest.  Some of these eventually die a painful death this stomach clogged by your trash.

    Don't litter.

  4. Your trash will become abundant in the oceans and since it is usually made up of plastics, definitely, it will not decay. So, your trash will be there forever in the oceans or rivers. The fishes would probably eat those trash, and for your information, they will die if they eat those plastics. That's it! So, please stop throwing garbage in the rivers and oceans.

                  Be a responsible citizen because God created us to protect and take good care of His creations.

  5. When u throw anything to the street.. it goes to the sewer when it rains or while someone cleans the street.  Everything that goes to the sewer ends up in water streams.  Unfortunately what people throw on the ground is not biodegradable, and it pollutes the water.  Sometimes intoxicating the water species.

  6. There is no place you can dispose of your butts that does not do the same thing. In general, it is not harmful to have vegetation-trash left on the ground. There is a problem if large amounts of vegetation wash into streams, but we must return our vegetation to the land to keep the land productive.

    Best to avoid disposing of things on hard surfaces that will flush directly into the streams.

    Best to avoid discarding toxic materials anywhere. We do not want it to poison the land our food must grow upon, nor the waters we must later drink from. We do not want to toss glass where it may be picked up  by a combine and ground into our flour... well same for a lot of other junk. It may be as significant as when things get into the river.

    Putting things into a landfill is only slightly better ecologically than discarding it all over the place.

  7. First, ) What is your education level ?

    How old are you,

    The reason you are on this computer table now?

    Knowledgeable  ?

  8. Are you serious?

    I thought this was common sense...apparently not.

    Here's an idea...Quit smoking. You not only pollute the rivers and oceans, but you pollute the air we all breathe(smoker and non-smoker's air). They should ban smoking in your city....soon.

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