
How does unpugging the phone when its finished charching help globol warming?

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un plugging




  1. Your house consumes less electricity.

  2. even when fully charged, a plugged in phone draws power. that power comes from somewhere, probably the burning of fossil fuels. Less power used, less fuel burn, less greenhouse gasses, and less G warming

  3. It doesn't do anything to affect global warming, as it is a natural cycle that man does not affect or can stop.

    Your phone charger does still pull electricity even after your phone is charged. So unplugging it will save on your electric bill.

  4. It's just a small thing to save electricity.  

  5. The charger contains a transformer and electrical circuit that uses some electricity, even when the phone is not charging.  When you unplug it, it does not use that electricity, so the power plant does not need to produce that wasted electricity, and does not emit the small quantity of greenhouse gases that would have been produced if the charger was not unplugged.

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