
How does vinegar (internally) make one lose weight?

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How does vinegar (internally) make one lose weight?




  1. Vinegar does not make you lose weight.  What vinegar can do, in theory, is acts as a diuretic.  It may be possible that it rids the body, temporarily, of excess water.

  2. im not sure if it actually does but i have heard that it makes u feel full quicker which would obviously cause weight loss eventually but im not sure if its true

  3. It doesn't.

  4. Apple Cider Vinegar is used widely for losing weight.The vinegar is made from fresh natural apples that contain pectin, a soluble fiber which binds to cholesterol globules and pulls them out of the body. This also helps remove unwanted heavy metals!  Less fat and cholesterol in the body reduces the risk of just about any ailment! It works 24 hours a day to help your body remove unwanted fat.

                                        This is how a person can lose weight internally !!!

    Also benefits of this vinegar :-

    Acts as a Appetite Suppressant

    Metabolic Rate is Increased

    Improved Digestion

    Less water retention

       For details go to this link

  5. i think it burns certain fats or it aids in decreasing sugar

  6. It makes you have to p**p. The weight you are losing is just the weight of all of the p**p usually residing in your colon. So it is somewhat equivalent to getting a colon cleanse. After that initial weight is extract then no significant weight loss is to be had through ingesting vinegar.

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