
How does volcanos is created

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How does volcanos is created




  1. Volcanoes form when hot material from below rises and leaks into the crust. This hot material, called magma, comes either from a melt of subducted crustal material, and which is light and buoyant after melting, or it may come from deeper in the interior of a planet and is light and buoyant because it is *very* hot.

    Magma, rising from lower reaches, gathers in a reservoir, in a weak portion of the overlying rock called the magma chamber. Eventually, but not always, the magma erupts onto the surface. Strong earthquakes accompany rising magma, and the volcanic cone may swell in appearance, just before an eruption.  Scientist often monitor the changing shape of a volcano, especially prior to an eruption.

    The different reasons why a volcano forms are"

    1)  via plumes or hot spots in the lithosphere

    2)  at plate boundaries

    either as a result of subduction of one tectonic plate beneath its adjacent plate, from the two plates pushing against one another, or

    where two plates are moving apart, allowing magma to erupt between them (rift volcanoes)

  2. when theres a small crack in the surface of the earth called a vent and persure from the core pushes up on it and the magma/lava (never could tell them apart) is pushed through it by heat and persure  

  3. Volcanoes can be created by folding and vulcanicity.

    Folding is the process where 2 plates interact with each other, where 1 of the plates will actually go down into the ground while the other will face up.  Take a piece of paper as an example.  Push to 2 sides and see. It'll curl up and forms a cone shape.

    I'm not too sure about vulcanicity. However, I think vulcaninity means when magma flows out from the cracks of the plates, it hardens and cools and that forms a volcano.

  4. Most magma lies about 25 to 150 km below the earth’s surface where the heat is so great that it melts the rocks around it. The heated magma produces gases and rises towards the earth’s surface, because it is lighter than the surrounding rocks. As more and more magma rises up, it forms a magma chamber the reservoir from which volcanic materials erupts.

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