
How does volleyball help maintain good health?

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How does volleyball help maintain good health?




  1. yes

  2. Volleyball helps maintain good health like eyesight. Good eyesight can be more alert when the ball come.

  3. It keeps your body working and keeps you active.

  4. because you move around a lot

  5. you are being physical during the sport

  6. well its exercise and that keeps u healthy

  7. It is physical activity.

  8. I play volleyball for Brampton and to tell you the truth the way i play it is not easy. Volleyball is all about quick feet and getting to ball faster and helps your arms get stronger, etc. It is not an easy sport.

  9. you use alot of muscles and joints while playing.  You also react quickely which also helps.

  10. its constant moving around the court and its fun...and even causes you to work as a team

  11. Any exercise helps maintain or improve your health.

  12. volleyball maintains very good health cuz you are running all the time and when you serve you are getting your arms stronger. volleyball is a really fun sport and you really get into shape doing it.

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