
How does water come from mountains? Where do the mountains get it from?

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I know I must sound like an idiot asking this, but I realized today that I have no idea. I always thought it came from water vapor in the air, settling on the top of the mountain, then melting...but that just doesn't seem like it would be enough, I mean, hundreds of bottles of water are made from these mountain springs every day! Lol, maybe the companies who make the water are FOS and the water doesn't really come from the mountains, I don't know....

But yeah...does anyone really know where that mountain water comes from?




  1. snow and ice fall on mountains and some of it melts especially in the summer. some is lost due to run-off and some is absorbed by the earth on the mountain until it comes in contact with an impermeable layer of rock. it then follows that layer of rock until it reaches an area that has wells drilled in it and is used to provide fresh water for the inhabitants of that area.

  2. It takes years for rain water and snow melt to percolate thru the the mountain to enter the water table.

  3. ive been up on mountains before and sometimes there's flat parts that have lakes on them. and the water comes from the snow that is on the top of the mountain then melts down to the lake.

  4. It comes from   1. the soil it does hold a small percentage of water.

                            2. the rain which u said trickles down the mountain.

                            3. orthographic percipitation- this just means water form the water vapor in air forms small droplets of water on the mountain.  

  5. it gets water from the rain  

  6. There are a group of underground trolls that leave there burrows every night and use buckets to carry water to the top of the mountains.

    Then they slide back down the mountain on their snowboards and crawl back into their burrows for the day...

  7. rain?  

  8. When it rains, the mountains basically either freeze it, (snow) or the rain goes into the Valleys; them there are waterfalls and rivers, creeks, etc.

    It actually DOES rain that much up in the mountains, because the mountains are closer to the sky. It doesn't rain that much in the

    city or towns below the mountain.

    From Google:

    "Where does Mountain Valley Spring Water come from?

    Every drop of Mountain Valley comes from a single, natural spring source that originates deep within the earth’s surface. The spring is located within 633 acres of protected, company-owned land approximately 12 miles from Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas. We bottle Mountain Valley at the spring site."

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