
How does weight play a role into riding a motorcycle?

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I want to get my bike license but a lot of people have been telling me that its dangerous because I'm so light (i'm only 95-100lbs.) so I was wondering how does weight play a role into riding a bike (I want to get a crotch rocket) like turning or the speed? lol Help!




  1. Well you don't really have to worry about how light you are, just that you can shift your weight through out the bike to keep stable!

  2. well weight helps because when turning and stuff you need to put weight on the bike to turn (leaning etc) when you dont have enough weight to stabalize your bike it is possible that you could get into an accident..

  3. Weight doesn't matter, not in low speed maneuvers, not on the road.   Technique matters.

  4. the lighter you are, the less drag there is on the bike (it will take off faster, stop quicker, and may suprise you easier)

    get a bike that you can hold up comfortably, and take a MSF course...

    good luck, keep the rubber side down...

  5. The rider's weight does make a difference when performing low speed manuvers, but otherwise don't worry about it.  If you get a 450 lb bike and you weight 95 lbs, then your weight will make up 17% of the total package.  My bike weighs 960 lbs and I weight 165, so I make up less than 15% of the total package.  See, it's all realitive.

  6. You don't need weight to turn, you lean the bike by pushing and pulling on the handlebars. The bike will accelerate faster since you are so light. Top speed will not be affected. The only way you could possibly get into trouble with your size is at very slow speed manuevering, like parking and stopping. You will need a bike with short seat height so you can touch the ground easily, preferrably flat-footed on one side at least. Also when walking the bike around or backing up, it can be easy to get the bike off balance, and it can take alot of strength to straighten up a heavy bike, so you will need to be more careful with that.

    Otherwise you are in absolutely no more danger than anyone else while it is moving. I suggest a bike like a Kawasaki EX250, very light and forgiving, especially for a new rider. I don't know who you've been talking to, but they are misinformed. Have fun and stay safe.

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