
How does your culture affect YOUR behaviour?

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How does your culture affect YOUR behaviour?




  1. If my behavior gets too far out of parameter for my culture, I get subordinated by a loved one closer to the cultural and ethnic core.

  2. Well for one, we make certain meals for certain holidays based on tradition.  And, we celebrate certain holidays differently than Americans do.  For example, we have the 12 days of Christmas, so for the 12 days prior to Christmas Eve, we open little gifts, saving the largest for Christmas Eve rather than Christmas Day.  We eat goose for Christmas, not ham or turkey, so it changes our cooking behavior and what we eat along with that.

    I come from a culture that loves flowers and gardening.  Almost every house has window boxes and so does mine even though none of my neighbors do.

    That being said, my hubby comes from a completely different culture than I do.  So when you look at how we live, how we decorate our home, our traditions, what we celebrate and how we do that, it is a blending of both of our heritage which makes it uniquely ours.

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